I don't often agree with smug Globe and Mail columnist Jeffrey Simpson, but I am on board with one of his recent columns. He was talking about the AFN's constant demands for a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.
Any inquiry would be futile and solve nothing, says Simpson. He's right, of course. Native women's groups are also demanding answers to the obvious:
100% of solved native homicides were committed by people living with the victim, or in the same close circle. This compares with 93% of non-native murder victims.* In other obvious words, murdered and assaulted women the world over knew their attackers.
In the case of natives, the root causes are economic, sociological, political, attitudinal and institutional -- way too vast for the scope of an inquiry. Inquiries work for specific issues, such as what happened to the drinking water in southern Ontario a few years ago. They don't for vast, general issues. And by the way, we just had a six-year, multi-million dollar inquiry into residential schools wrap up which chronicled nothing but hundreds of sad, personal stories about what happened to a lot of people. Bottom line? Nothing will come of it, believe me.
Simpson says that AFN Chief Perry Bellegarde wants "action". No question action is needed, but no where does Bellegarde call for action among his own chiefs, who have to start looking within their own communities, face their violent problems and do something about them. Other than yet another national roundtable (code for "let's talk and do nothing"), Bellegarde is once again demanding "the government" handle it.
It's disgraceful.
*2014 RCMP data
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
A stupid country
Always knew there was something dumb about hurling and smashing plates when I visited Greece a hundred years ago. Fresh out of university, I thought there might be something deep behind this bizarre and dangerous custom. But no, it was just drunken senselessness -- a futile and ridiculous waste of money. Kind'a like the entire country has turned out to be.
Basically, no one works in Greece. Come to think of it, no one works in any of the southern Mediterranean countries -- Italy, Spain, Portugal..........whatever. These inhabitants stagger out of bed at the crack of 10:30, hit the "office" for a couple of hours, then go for a HUGE, boozy lunch, after which they go home and sleep it off. I'm serious! They then gather again at about 10:30 p.m. for a HUGE, boozy dinner, sing, smash a few plates and hit the hay in the wee hours. Every day. Every night.
As I said, no one actually "works" as, say, the Germans do. The Greek upper classes were doing that when I visited my privileged high-school friend way back when and they are still doing it. Oh, and by the way, everyone has a mistress -- just to complicate things and make the out-of-office hours even longer.
No wonder they have been in a black economic hole forever.
What other members of the Eurozone were doing letting that mess into the EU was beyond me, until I asked B about it. "Why would they let bloody Greece into the EU," I asked him, "and not let Turkey in, which would have been just as stupid. And why would they let ridiculous Cypress in?" Here's the deal:
"It's all about snobbism," he explained. "The only reason Greece is in is because the Italians fancy themselves 'Romans' -- as in the wise, ancient variety. Remember, the Greeks came before the Romans, so that's the pecking order. As for Cypress, that was the compromise because Cypress is comprised of Turks and Greeks, so that's the way they rationalized it. Turkey was refused because it's a little too dark and 'moorish' for the Roman's liking -- a tad too middle-eastern to be 'European'."
So, that's the Cole's notes version of how a stupid, non-country such as Greece (Kevin O'Leary agrees, by the way) found its way into the EU. Happily, it is about to be kicked out. In the end, Britain, thanks to the Iron Lady, will emerge the strong and undisputed leader because it didn't join. Germany and France -- historically natural allies, regardless of WWII -- will have to eat crow for a few decades.
Imagine living in a country which is part of the EU, where one's own money can't be retrieved from a bank!? The Greek attitude reminds me of the Monty Python movie 'Life of Brian', where the knight is brought lower and lower, to the point where all his limbs have been cut off, yet he's still yelling and threatening his enemies!
Basically, no one works in Greece. Come to think of it, no one works in any of the southern Mediterranean countries -- Italy, Spain, Portugal..........whatever. These inhabitants stagger out of bed at the crack of 10:30, hit the "office" for a couple of hours, then go for a HUGE, boozy lunch, after which they go home and sleep it off. I'm serious! They then gather again at about 10:30 p.m. for a HUGE, boozy dinner, sing, smash a few plates and hit the hay in the wee hours. Every day. Every night.
As I said, no one actually "works" as, say, the Germans do. The Greek upper classes were doing that when I visited my privileged high-school friend way back when and they are still doing it. Oh, and by the way, everyone has a mistress -- just to complicate things and make the out-of-office hours even longer.
No wonder they have been in a black economic hole forever.
What other members of the Eurozone were doing letting that mess into the EU was beyond me, until I asked B about it. "Why would they let bloody Greece into the EU," I asked him, "and not let Turkey in, which would have been just as stupid. And why would they let ridiculous Cypress in?" Here's the deal:
"It's all about snobbism," he explained. "The only reason Greece is in is because the Italians fancy themselves 'Romans' -- as in the wise, ancient variety. Remember, the Greeks came before the Romans, so that's the pecking order. As for Cypress, that was the compromise because Cypress is comprised of Turks and Greeks, so that's the way they rationalized it. Turkey was refused because it's a little too dark and 'moorish' for the Roman's liking -- a tad too middle-eastern to be 'European'."
So, that's the Cole's notes version of how a stupid, non-country such as Greece (Kevin O'Leary agrees, by the way) found its way into the EU. Happily, it is about to be kicked out. In the end, Britain, thanks to the Iron Lady, will emerge the strong and undisputed leader because it didn't join. Germany and France -- historically natural allies, regardless of WWII -- will have to eat crow for a few decades.
Imagine living in a country which is part of the EU, where one's own money can't be retrieved from a bank!? The Greek attitude reminds me of the Monty Python movie 'Life of Brian', where the knight is brought lower and lower, to the point where all his limbs have been cut off, yet he's still yelling and threatening his enemies!
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Totally crazy!
Was I "trans" because I was a tomboy? This is "pride week" and I started to wonder? Would my parents have concluded I was trans-gendered because I preferred playing with boys, didn't play with dolls and refused to wear skirts and dresses?
I was a kid, for gawd's sake. I knew I was a girl. I had girlfriends, but I wasn't a "girly-girl" -- in spite of my poor, late mother's valiant and intrepid efforts to put ribbons in my hair and frilly dresses on my corps. I hated them. When she did manage to force me into one, I had to squat to play in the sand so as not to soil my frock. I also insisted my first and only doll be a boy; I refused the girl variety. My mother later told me she had to search far-and-wide to find one, but she succeeded and I named him "Jimmy". But in the fifties, no parent would have dreamt of encouraging a child to think he/she was trapped in the wrong body. At six!!??
I so identified with males that I used to get up with my father every morning to "shave" and dress with him. I used a spoon and shaving cream -- something he in no way discouraged. We'd then go down and eat breakfast together, which my mother prepared. Never occurred to me to identify with her and butter the toast. I was always upset that he went off to work and I had to stay home. And instead of dressing up in my mother's clothes to walk around the neighbourhood, I dressed up in my father's -- complete with fedora. No one worried about any of it.
Was that why I chose a career that crossed genders? Was that why I was independent and confident from a young age? What that why I refused to go along with the fashion of long, straight hair, even when you could practically not set foot on campus without it? Was that why I never stopped working? Was that why I decided I would never ask a husband for money (to this day, never have).
The pity of it is that now the "trans-child" insanity is running amok in elementary schools and it's, well, completely insane! If my mother had decided to take me to some psycho "expert" to be interviewed and spied upon through two-way mirrors, while I was given all sorts of girl-versus-boy toys, I would most certainly have played with "boy" toys. And the "expert", having interviewed me ad nauseum into panicked and terminal confusion, would have concluded I was a "trans" child. The horror of what might have happened gives me chills to this day.
I did everything with the boys -- even trained with them in track and field because I was a faster runner than the girls. I could go on, but at some point I began to morph into a "girl" -- albeit not the usual kind -- and started becoming attracted to boys. Had I been convinced I were "trans", I imagine this would have completely confused and bewildered me?! "I'm supposed to be another type of sex. Why do I want to be with Tony (my first boyfriend) in that way? I must be sick." Suicide anyone? Can you imagine the damage these psychos are doing to children who might just happen to be tomboys, or prefer dolls or painting.
Watching all the parades and media coverage, I am struck by how many GBLT (is that correct?) there are. Yes, being gay is biological, but "trans"? Not in my experience.
If I can grow into loving being a woman with a husband and children, if I can celebrate "hats and heels", if I can embrace dressing up and stepping out, anyone can.
Thank God we didn't have "trans" when I was a kid.
I was a kid, for gawd's sake. I knew I was a girl. I had girlfriends, but I wasn't a "girly-girl" -- in spite of my poor, late mother's valiant and intrepid efforts to put ribbons in my hair and frilly dresses on my corps. I hated them. When she did manage to force me into one, I had to squat to play in the sand so as not to soil my frock. I also insisted my first and only doll be a boy; I refused the girl variety. My mother later told me she had to search far-and-wide to find one, but she succeeded and I named him "Jimmy". But in the fifties, no parent would have dreamt of encouraging a child to think he/she was trapped in the wrong body. At six!!??
I so identified with males that I used to get up with my father every morning to "shave" and dress with him. I used a spoon and shaving cream -- something he in no way discouraged. We'd then go down and eat breakfast together, which my mother prepared. Never occurred to me to identify with her and butter the toast. I was always upset that he went off to work and I had to stay home. And instead of dressing up in my mother's clothes to walk around the neighbourhood, I dressed up in my father's -- complete with fedora. No one worried about any of it.
Was that why I chose a career that crossed genders? Was that why I was independent and confident from a young age? What that why I refused to go along with the fashion of long, straight hair, even when you could practically not set foot on campus without it? Was that why I never stopped working? Was that why I decided I would never ask a husband for money (to this day, never have).
The pity of it is that now the "trans-child" insanity is running amok in elementary schools and it's, well, completely insane! If my mother had decided to take me to some psycho "expert" to be interviewed and spied upon through two-way mirrors, while I was given all sorts of girl-versus-boy toys, I would most certainly have played with "boy" toys. And the "expert", having interviewed me ad nauseum into panicked and terminal confusion, would have concluded I was a "trans" child. The horror of what might have happened gives me chills to this day.
I did everything with the boys -- even trained with them in track and field because I was a faster runner than the girls. I could go on, but at some point I began to morph into a "girl" -- albeit not the usual kind -- and started becoming attracted to boys. Had I been convinced I were "trans", I imagine this would have completely confused and bewildered me?! "I'm supposed to be another type of sex. Why do I want to be with Tony (my first boyfriend) in that way? I must be sick." Suicide anyone? Can you imagine the damage these psychos are doing to children who might just happen to be tomboys, or prefer dolls or painting.
Watching all the parades and media coverage, I am struck by how many GBLT (is that correct?) there are. Yes, being gay is biological, but "trans"? Not in my experience.
If I can grow into loving being a woman with a husband and children, if I can celebrate "hats and heels", if I can embrace dressing up and stepping out, anyone can.
Thank God we didn't have "trans" when I was a kid.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Canada.......and the rest of the world
"Where have you been? Haven't seen you in a few weeks," I said to a beautiful young woman I chat with at the Y most days. "Back to Ukraine to see my family," she replied. "It's a mess there." No kidding, I uncharacteristically didn't add. "It's terrible there," she said, echoing my thoughts and stating the obvious.
Chatting about her visit, I learned her father is a physics professor at the university and her sister a doctor; the former makes $200 per month, the latter $250. Feature it! And yet they stay. Why? I asked. "Because my sister would have to work as a waitress until she was accredited," she replied. (I cruelly thought that with what's going on there, at least the sister would be kept very busy.) "And my father and mother are too old to uproot their lives." She then recounted how her brother, a conscript, had to hide in a ditch for days to avoid being killed during a "cease fire". Apparently, one of his comrades who could stand it no longer crawled out and was immediately shot."
Hideous. I was trying to wrap my brain around a university still functioning, a doctor still practicing, and a brother hiding in some dirty ditch -- all at the same time? Do they all co-exist in some parallel universe? They must.
"What upsets me is the international media doesn't care anymore," she lamented. "Yep, that's true," I replied, explaining that the news cycle is a the most 24 hours -- usually less. "The big story now is the ruckus over the confederate flag in the south," I said. "Who cares," she said. "Just as you care about the Ukraine, Americans care about their flags. Actually, it's all about flags," I explained. "Since nothing has changed in the Ukraine, no one gives a sh-t."
She was dismayed at this truth. "I realize what a wonderful country Canada is," she said. "We accept everyone here -- we work alongside Chinese, Europeans, Muslims and everyone else with no problems."
You better believe it.
Chatting about her visit, I learned her father is a physics professor at the university and her sister a doctor; the former makes $200 per month, the latter $250. Feature it! And yet they stay. Why? I asked. "Because my sister would have to work as a waitress until she was accredited," she replied. (I cruelly thought that with what's going on there, at least the sister would be kept very busy.) "And my father and mother are too old to uproot their lives." She then recounted how her brother, a conscript, had to hide in a ditch for days to avoid being killed during a "cease fire". Apparently, one of his comrades who could stand it no longer crawled out and was immediately shot."
Hideous. I was trying to wrap my brain around a university still functioning, a doctor still practicing, and a brother hiding in some dirty ditch -- all at the same time? Do they all co-exist in some parallel universe? They must.
"What upsets me is the international media doesn't care anymore," she lamented. "Yep, that's true," I replied, explaining that the news cycle is a the most 24 hours -- usually less. "The big story now is the ruckus over the confederate flag in the south," I said. "Who cares," she said. "Just as you care about the Ukraine, Americans care about their flags. Actually, it's all about flags," I explained. "Since nothing has changed in the Ukraine, no one gives a sh-t."
She was dismayed at this truth. "I realize what a wonderful country Canada is," she said. "We accept everyone here -- we work alongside Chinese, Europeans, Muslims and everyone else with no problems."
You better believe it.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Get over yourselves
Perhaps because it's Ste. Jean Baptiste Day -- an oxymoron in an atheistic and agnostic province such as Quebec -- but the big news is about a Longueil city councillor is being told by the mayor he can't speak English.
Why does the mayor have to be a woman? Doesn't help our gender.
This councillor represents an officially-bilingual district and thus always speaks in both official languages to represent his constituents in their entirety. But no, when this district joined Longueil, he was told French only, buddy.
Sad that some people just can't get over themselves.
If you have Netflix, do yourselves a favour and watch "Broadchurch". What a cliff-hanger! The BBC just can't be topped when it comes to drama and documentary series. Everything is superb, from the acting to the sets to the dialogue..........everything. Makes the CBC and all US networks look pathetic and absurd.
More sad.
Why does the mayor have to be a woman? Doesn't help our gender.
This councillor represents an officially-bilingual district and thus always speaks in both official languages to represent his constituents in their entirety. But no, when this district joined Longueil, he was told French only, buddy.
Sad that some people just can't get over themselves.
If you have Netflix, do yourselves a favour and watch "Broadchurch". What a cliff-hanger! The BBC just can't be topped when it comes to drama and documentary series. Everything is superb, from the acting to the sets to the dialogue..........everything. Makes the CBC and all US networks look pathetic and absurd.
More sad.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Here's our new Lieutenant Governor................
Is there not a hairdresser in sight in Edmonton? Lois Mitchell is a do-gooder, do-gooder. I am not impressed.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
A few more facts
On-reserve natives receive $13,524 per student per year, compared to $11,646 for non-native provincial school students. That's a fact that AFN grand chief Perry Bellegarde continues to deny. And the rest of us buy his BS! We are so lazy, we don't look into anything.
Mark Milke, senior fellow with the Fraser Institute and an expert on funding for aboriginals, is the source of this information -- as well as much more.
"If it's assumed that the Canadian public, through tax dollars, does not spend enough on aboriginal matters (a chronic claim from Bellgarde), an improper focus on funding -- and not outcomes -- is often the result," says Milke. "That becomes a problem when parents want to send their children off-reserve, as they may be on the hook for the extra costs. Surely, in pursuit of better educational outcomes, reserve parents should not be instructed by reserve governments about which school their kids must be enrolled in." And if they choose to send their kids to school off-reserve, they should not be denied the money allotted to them. But they are.
Milke goes on to point out that all federal program spending on all Canadians -- including first nations -- rose to $7,316 per person. However, specifically for natives it jumped to $9,056 per person. That's an 882 percent increase. Disgusting that their leadership is still belly-aching.
Milke also points out that while the rest of us have to pay for supplementary benefits, such as dental, vision and pharmaceutical items, Health Canada spend almost $1.1 billion specifically for natives and inuit who pay nothing. That coverage is not required by treaties of the Constitution, but the natives have been accorded it anyway.
The fact that the remote location of many reserves hinders the progress of natives is huge. But they still get lots and lots and lots of money. They should ask their leaders where it goes?!
Is it any wonder Harper has left the building?
Mark Milke, senior fellow with the Fraser Institute and an expert on funding for aboriginals, is the source of this information -- as well as much more.
"If it's assumed that the Canadian public, through tax dollars, does not spend enough on aboriginal matters (a chronic claim from Bellgarde), an improper focus on funding -- and not outcomes -- is often the result," says Milke. "That becomes a problem when parents want to send their children off-reserve, as they may be on the hook for the extra costs. Surely, in pursuit of better educational outcomes, reserve parents should not be instructed by reserve governments about which school their kids must be enrolled in." And if they choose to send their kids to school off-reserve, they should not be denied the money allotted to them. But they are.
Milke goes on to point out that all federal program spending on all Canadians -- including first nations -- rose to $7,316 per person. However, specifically for natives it jumped to $9,056 per person. That's an 882 percent increase. Disgusting that their leadership is still belly-aching.
Milke also points out that while the rest of us have to pay for supplementary benefits, such as dental, vision and pharmaceutical items, Health Canada spend almost $1.1 billion specifically for natives and inuit who pay nothing. That coverage is not required by treaties of the Constitution, but the natives have been accorded it anyway.
The fact that the remote location of many reserves hinders the progress of natives is huge. But they still get lots and lots and lots of money. They should ask their leaders where it goes?!
Is it any wonder Harper has left the building?
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Race relations
"When my brother married a black American, my mother was scandalized," said my Nigerian friend "I". Really? Why? "Because he was marrying a slave," she replied. "We are not slaves, like American Blacks," she explained. I was kinda dumbfounded, I have to confess. To me, a black is a black. But not to African Blacks.
American Blacks are considered slaves by their African counterparts. And they don't marry them. They marry within their African station. I explained that I had dated blacks and Jews, but I knew full well -- without a word's ever having being spoken -- that I wasn't to marry one.
American Blacks are considered slaves by their African counterparts. And they don't marry them. They marry within their African station. I explained that I had dated blacks and Jews, but I knew full well -- without a word's ever having being spoken -- that I wasn't to marry one.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Watched 'Grandmother Lovers' for the first time the other day and was unfortunately riveted. Why I watch these wretched shows, I have no clue? Nevertheless, this was one I had not seen. I can understand young men dating women in their '50s or '60s -- heck, I'm in my sixties. But 92??!!
This is not about cougars, it has to be necrophilia. Here was a woman, wrinkled, wizened and stooped, waiting for her 31-year-old lover to show up for an afternoon tryst. Apparently, he drives five hours from where he lives to have sex with her. "I still have orgasms," said great-grandma proudly.
Trying to figure it out, I settled upon the obvious. Yep, necrophilia.
This is not about cougars, it has to be necrophilia. Here was a woman, wrinkled, wizened and stooped, waiting for her 31-year-old lover to show up for an afternoon tryst. Apparently, he drives five hours from where he lives to have sex with her. "I still have orgasms," said great-grandma proudly.
Trying to figure it out, I settled upon the obvious. Yep, necrophilia.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
A few facts....
This letter of mine was published in The Herald this morning. Unfortunately, I can no longer figure out how to paste it neither into my blog, nor onto facebook, but here it is:
"Dear Editor,
"What is lost in the coverage of Justice Murray Sinclair's report is that we are all immigrants. All present-day humans began either in Africa, or the Garden of Eden, depending upon one's beliefs.
"North America did not have humans. It has been proven genetically that Canadian "indigenous" peoples originated in Asia, journeying here when there was a land bridge from that continent. The British and European immigrants who set up residential schools did so with good intentions and the full backing of government.
"The tragic outcomes with which we live now must have been unintentional at the time. The schools are gone, so perhaps the time has come to work with what we can achieve together, not focus solely on the wretched past.
Nancy Marley-Clarke
Calgary, AB "
I doubt many people are aware of this reality. We are all "tourists" in North America. None of us just "poofed" from the sky. It's simply that some arrived here a few thousand years earlier than others.
"Dear Editor,
"What is lost in the coverage of Justice Murray Sinclair's report is that we are all immigrants. All present-day humans began either in Africa, or the Garden of Eden, depending upon one's beliefs.
"North America did not have humans. It has been proven genetically that Canadian "indigenous" peoples originated in Asia, journeying here when there was a land bridge from that continent. The British and European immigrants who set up residential schools did so with good intentions and the full backing of government.
"The tragic outcomes with which we live now must have been unintentional at the time. The schools are gone, so perhaps the time has come to work with what we can achieve together, not focus solely on the wretched past.
Nancy Marley-Clarke
Calgary, AB "
* * *
I doubt many people are aware of this reality. We are all "tourists" in North America. None of us just "poofed" from the sky. It's simply that some arrived here a few thousand years earlier than others.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Same sh-t, different pieces of paper
Sadly, Murray Sinclair's Truth and Reconciliation Report -- six years and $60 million in the making -- will only serve to entrench the already rigid line taken by native leaders in this country who will dig in even harder on........well.......everything. Nothing will change. Why? Because there aren't any votes in it for anyone.
A number of years ago, a similar inquiry and report were undertaken. Entitled "The Erasmus and Dussault Report" (can't even find it on google, for gawd's sake?) it uncovered exactly the same things, yet has sat buried on a shelf since it's release.
Nothing has been done, nothing has changed and I don't believe anything will. Note: no votes in it. Sorry folks, but them's the hard facts. I always marvel to hear the grand chief of the assembly of first nations, Perry Bellmare, go on about "Canadians" should do this and "Canadians" should think this and "Canadians" should give more money. Clearly, natives do not consider themselves "Canadian". And therein lies the rub. It has always been an adversarial relationship -- regardless of what Bellemare, one of the chief causes of this gulf -- tries to tell us.
Ninety-four recommendations? Come on, how realistic is that?! Might as well be 94,000.
p.s. Just heard an interview with the head of something indigenous at Ottawa U. This woman ludicrously said we should do away with Indian Affairs and other governments, "and all that interloping" and just let us manage our own affairs. Really? Does she suggest we do away with the money too, that $8.5 billion a year? As to the Indian Act itself, as I have said before, it's going nowhere because it is the mechanism through which all that money is funnelled to native bands. Not only can native leaders not get along with Ottawa, they can't even get along with each other. Just ask poor old Shawn Atleo, fired AFN grand chief, who was thrown under the bus by his counterparts precisely because he wanted to negotiate with Ottawa over educational funding. You could not make that up!
The kerfule in Alberta politics about a senior executive of the Alberta Conservative party called the new health minister "morbidly obese" on facebook continues in all the local media. Had she been a man, no one would have bothered. But she's a woman. Here is the minister in question:
A number of years ago, a similar inquiry and report were undertaken. Entitled "The Erasmus and Dussault Report" (can't even find it on google, for gawd's sake?) it uncovered exactly the same things, yet has sat buried on a shelf since it's release.
Nothing has been done, nothing has changed and I don't believe anything will. Note: no votes in it. Sorry folks, but them's the hard facts. I always marvel to hear the grand chief of the assembly of first nations, Perry Bellmare, go on about "Canadians" should do this and "Canadians" should think this and "Canadians" should give more money. Clearly, natives do not consider themselves "Canadian". And therein lies the rub. It has always been an adversarial relationship -- regardless of what Bellemare, one of the chief causes of this gulf -- tries to tell us.
Ninety-four recommendations? Come on, how realistic is that?! Might as well be 94,000.
p.s. Just heard an interview with the head of something indigenous at Ottawa U. This woman ludicrously said we should do away with Indian Affairs and other governments, "and all that interloping" and just let us manage our own affairs. Really? Does she suggest we do away with the money too, that $8.5 billion a year? As to the Indian Act itself, as I have said before, it's going nowhere because it is the mechanism through which all that money is funnelled to native bands. Not only can native leaders not get along with Ottawa, they can't even get along with each other. Just ask poor old Shawn Atleo, fired AFN grand chief, who was thrown under the bus by his counterparts precisely because he wanted to negotiate with Ottawa over educational funding. You could not make that up!
The kerfule in Alberta politics about a senior executive of the Alberta Conservative party called the new health minister "morbidly obese" on facebook continues in all the local media. Had she been a man, no one would have bothered. But she's a woman. Here is the minister in question:
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Sarah Hoffman. |
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