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Friday, April 26, 2019

Is he delusional, or just dumb?

"It is untenable that facebook does not recognize the opinion of the Privacy Commissioner and change the way it operates with regard to privacy," said the delusional Daniel Therrien the other day. 

Seriously!?  We are talking facebook here, a social media giant that everyone is on all the time.  If you get on facebook, you know the deal.  You can restrict your profile.  Or not.  Otherwise, fb sells your data to advertisers.  The user has all the options here.  Did Therrien not notice that fb has a lot of advertising on it?  That's because advertisers advertise based on the data fb provides them.  Old-school advertisers did the same thing.  They targeted the general public all the time with surveys and the like to get to the consumers they wanted.  What's new here?  Duh, buddy!

The other gang that sells its data to all-and-sundry is StatsCan.  And where does StatsCan get its data?  Why, from The Canada Revenue Agency, of course.  Nothing is "private" and that's because data is needed for everything -- social programs being the biggest user.  How would Therrien's relatives get their welfare and Child Tax Benefit money without stats?

I predict that next Therrien will go after LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram for "privacy" violations.  How ludicrous.  If you get on any of these sites, it's "buyer beware".  The fact that the Privacy Commissioner has no teeth or power to do anything about anything is proof no one gives a sh-t.  Facebook basically told him to eff off. 

Good on them.  If you don't want your "privacy" violated, don't use social media.       

Thursday, April 25, 2019

More ludicrous

People take offence at everything these days.  I posted on a fb "friend's" site that Filipinos sent more money back to the Philippines than any other ethnic Canadians.  Boy, someone got all uppity and accused me of this and that, saying they could send their "hard-earned money" anywhere they liked.

Yes, they can, but it gets taken out of the Canadian economy where it has been earned.  Next in the remittance department are the Nigerians.  I am simply stating what 'The Economist' publishes every week in stats that reveal what is happening all over the world, but this woman took umbrage.  In fact, I actually removed my comment to damp down the internet noise over this stat.

What is wrong with people?!

B gave a lecture to someone who called because she could not read our credit card number on a donation we made to the Foot and Mouth Painters.  "Sorry, I can't understand you," he said.  "Can you transfer me to someone who speaks English?"  Asking her where she was from, he was told the Philippines, so she too got an economic earful about sending money back "home", etc.  "Why do you come to Canada if you want to get back to the Philippines?  Do you think your children born here will want to go back to that corrupt and dangerous country?" he asked.  "Why don't you go to the US."  "Because they won't let me in," she replied. 

#Welcome to Canada.  By the way, she had to call back this morning because she still couldn't get the credit card number straight.  We give a donation because we keep the cards, but if it happens again, I am sending the cards back and not giving them a cent.       

Friday, April 19, 2019


Universities have become uninclusive places of non-learning, the opposite of what they were designed to be.  I attribute this to the paranoia of visible minority and female students who see every opinion they don't hold as a threat to their identities. 

The latest is the dis-invitation issued Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield to be the keynote speaker at Concordia's 40th anniversary celebrations.  Why was he banned?  Because he wrote a book entitled 'Manliness', in which he describes it as evident in "the person who likes to be in charge of situations of risk.  He has a take-charge attitude.  Most manly persons are men, but not all," wrote the 50-year veteran of teaching at Harvard. 

Wow!  What a concept!  Manly men are usually men!  Amazing!  But apparently, a "diversity of voices among the university's alumni" was behind the decision to cancel the keynote speech and in the end the gala itself!  You know what "diversity of voices" means, don't you.  It means women who don't like the idea of men being manly.  At least, that's what it says to me.

I suspect many of the students against Mansfield's appearance were also "people of colour" who are usually offended by everything -- especially at a university.  Remember when the Middle Eastern students at Ottawa U had Ann Coulter's appearance cancelled by yelling loudly and waving placards at president Alan Rock who promptly caved?  Another example of chicken-sh-t behaviour.

But if anyone says anything like I have here, he/she is vilified and termed a racist.  Frankly, it's the visible minorities who have become the racists.  "The invitation was a surprise, the rejection less of a one, because I am a white male conservative professor," wrote Mansfield in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal.  A respected professor and author for his scholarship on political philosophy, Mansfield is also considered a world-class expert on Machiavelli.  But he also writes on gender and culture and his 'Manliness' book is considered by the protestors outdated and demeaning.  By the way, he also criticizes the panic around the so-called "rape culture" which many hysterics declare is rampant on today's university campuses. 

Absolutely a crock.  But apparently, if you are a white, male professor you are automatically a rabid racist.  It's all so ludicrous, but lines up perfectly with what Concordia has become.  We were planning to go to Montreal last Fall for homecoming, but they made it into a "Queer Homecoming" celebration, to which I objected.  When I wrote to tell them we would not be attending because of how they were going to celebrate it, I received an email telling me that this was because Concordia was so "inclusive".

How can a "Queer Homecoming" be inclusive?  It's completely exclusive.  Guess the people who organized it didn't understand the difference between "inclusive" and "exclusive".

Universities are now the thought and word police where no can say anything that's not politically correct.  Sad.     

Thursday, April 18, 2019


...says Climate Barbie to every question she is ever asked.  Just saw her on 'Power Play' and that was her answer to everything.  "Look, climate change, a price on pollution, look, climate change, a price on pollution, look, climate change, a price on pollution...."  And on and on and on.  The "look" translates into " dummy."  I find her very offensive on every level and a disgrace to her gender.

Last night we went to a Fourth Degree Knights of Columbia dinner touted as "Ladies Appreciation Night".  They have one every year, but the appalling thing is that the wives have to prepare the food every year!  Not I, but some of the doormat wives actually do this.  How can this "appreciate" ladies when they have to do the schlepping?! 

For a couple of years, B organized proper dinners for the ladies when we went to The Palliser Hotel or The Ranchmen's Club, but now it's back to the church basement, soup and chicken.  Ugh!  I thought the Knights were a disaster in Ottawa, but in Calgary they are rock bottom.   

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Where's the money?

You probably know what file I am going to rip into when I talk about money.  Correct, the natives.  This time it is about the plight of the residents of the godforsaken Kashechewan reserve in northern Ontario.  You know, the one that gets flooded out every year forcing the evacuation of its 2,500 beleaguered souls.

That, my friends, costs you and me $20 million.  Every year.  Yep, every year.  Do you know what this band gets EVERY YEAR from the taxpayer over and above the flood money?  $22 million.  "This is a significant amount of money for a community the size of Kashechewan," noted the author of a 2006 report on this sorry state of affairs.  As at the end of March, 2018, the band fund sat at $33 million.  FOR 2,500 PEOPLE.  That's considerably more than $1 million each!  And still they get the flood money! 

It's completely insane!  The leaders say everything is the responsibility of the government and the government says, "That's what you get the money for."  So there you have it.  The people in need get nothing, while those who run the place slap it into a fund and demand more.  "The resulting perpetration of inadequate services and facilities in Kashechewan lies at the heart of the current crisis," said the report's author.  BACK IN 2006!

The answer is to move, but the good, old Indian Act is how the money flows, so they won't.  And why should they?  Heck, the money comes in by the truck load! 

It just enrages me.  Read Christie Blatchford today in 'The National Post'.  She lays it all out, but sadly, even Ms. Blatchford blames the government.  People need to wake up, but they won't. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Phil wants to talk to you

That's what my old friend JR said when I called him this evening.  I have known JR since he dated and married my late cousin in the sixties.  Every now and then I call him and we re-connect as if no time had passed.  This time, when I called, Phil happened to be over for dinner, so he got on the phone.  Haven't talked to him for years, but we chatted like we were still dating.


Phil was my boyfriend when we were at Lisgar in grades 11 and 12.  A scratch golfer, he said, "I don't want to talk about Tiger, when I asked him what he thought about the Masters, I want to know what you're up to."  I was sixteen and seventeen when we dated so innocently, but he's still the great guy I knew then.  And funny!  Still.

Isn't it marvelous when you haven't talked to someone in 50 years and you pick up exactly where you had left off.  We reminisced about our dates and the dances we had gone to, the double dates we had had with Mike and John and their dates.  Actually, all Phil and I used to do was a little necking at his house when his parents were out.  This evening, I talked to JR for an hour and Phil for an hour.  Wonder what their wives thought of my interrupting their dinner!? 

As my runway gets shorter, I have decided that when I think of an old friend, I am going to pick up the phone instead of just thinking of them.  It seems they welcome the call.  In fact, couldn't get John off the phone!

I am blessed to have my old friends at the other end of the line.      

Monday, April 8, 2019

They're still surprised?

Yet another study shows that there are still fewer women in the executive and CEO ranks of Canadian business.  What escapes people about this?  I remember saying to then DuPont of Canada president Bob Richardson waaaaaaay back in 1972 that women were basically penalized for having the biological function of bearing children. 

Like a lunatic, I then tried to make a case for on-site daycare.  This pitch was decidedly unsuccessful, as you can imagine.  With a stay-at-home wife who did his laundry and made his bed, he scoffed, derided my views, turned on his heel and walked off.  At the time, I was contemplating a family and knew that would be the end of my career.  Yep, women paid -- and continue to pay -- a big penalty for having kids. 

Several successful women have recently collectively written a book entitled, 'The Collective Wisdom of high-Performing Women'.  In 2018, only 15.8 percent of executive officer positions in Canada were held by women according to stats from the TSE -- barely changed from 2014.  Actually, it's barely changed from 1972, when I first began to ponder combining a career with a husband and kids.  Bizarrely, they claim there may now be an opening to push for substantive change.  Unless men start to bear children, I don't see how?

Business is not the meritocracy they were promised.  No, it isn't.  Tough, that's life. 

Nevertheless, I still believe women should keep working after taking up an expensive seat in an institute of higher learning.  In fact, I think women have an obligation to keep working if they've started a career and I have to confess -- though you already know this -- I do not respect women who sit on their a--es and allow a man to support them.  We're not in the Middle East here.

I personally "bought the ranch", as the saying goes.  Had two kids of my own, lost my job, got a job back after maternity leave and kept going.  Just to ice the cake, I actually re-married after my divorce (caused mainly by my then-husband's inability to earn a living).  And who did I marry?  Yep, a guy with two kids of his own and an ass-sitting ex who rifled our pockets with enduring and enthusiastic fervour!  For years. 

As I always say, women really can't have it both ways.  Support yourselves, girls and have a little self-respect. 


Friday, April 5, 2019


That's the seed money the government of BC is going to put into buying tampons and pads for all provincial high school girls. 


"We want this so we will be equal," said one idiotic grade 11 female student.  Really?  Are you saying that the province is currently paying for condoms for male students, or are you saying that the province pays for them to buy tampons and condoms?

It's completely insane!  Why would taxpayers pay for a girl to buy tampons??!!

Welcome to the world of the NDP.     

Thursday, April 4, 2019

My kind of style

These women know how to put together several necklaces for a fabulous look.  I do it too and it's very effective.


"Diversity only works if there is trust," said our hapless, non-feminist PM yesterday.  What the h-ll does that mean?  Actually, what it means is that you can only have a diversity of opinions if they all align with mine.

That's what it actually means.  In other words, if I can be sure you will say what I want you to say -- and only that -- you can be "diverse", then I will "trust" you to say what I think.  What a pile of gobbledy goo, double speak.  As I have blogged many times before this fiasco, Justin Trudeau is no more a "feminist" that was his father.  And guess where he learned how to treat women?  Yep, at papa's knee. And speaking of who raised him, how about his mother!  Not exactly an example of a strong, hard-working woman, which would be why he has no clue how to deal with Wilson-Raybould and Philpott.   

Saying you are a "feminist" doesn't make you one.  He has no clue what the word means. I never say I am a "feminist", but actually am one.  In fact, my cohort invented the concept, pushed the movement and went to the barricades to make sure it happened.  You're welcome. 

And where is that great "feminist" Sophie?  Nowhere.  And she can't use childcare as an excuse because she has three nannies to look after her three children while she sits around exactly?

Great example to young women there, folks.  I also applaud those female delegates who showed up in the Commons yesterday and turned their backs on Trudeau.  He looks like the unenlightened, narcissistic, ignorant fool he is.


Here's a personal bulletin:  After 22 years of on-again-off-again right shoulder pain, my doctor finally ordered both an Xray and an ultrasound.  Guess what?  I have a rotator cuff ligament tear that has finally torn completely.  Described in the report as a "full thickness complete supraspinatus tear," I am told it would have been much worse had I not been such a swimmer.  How I have been able to use my right arm doing the front crawl is now a complete mystery?

I'd also like to add that I am beginning to join the ranks of those who don't consider chiropractors "real" doctors.  In all the years I have been seeing one for this issue, not once has any ordered an ultrasound to see what was going on.  Not once. In fact, they all spent all their time pounding and pulling, which is exactly the wrong thing to do!  Duh to them all.

The report also says it is a long-standing pathology, in other words has been going on for years.  Trying to think when it might have begun, I remembered being in a taxi cab accident 22 years ago.  Naturally, I wasn't wearing a seat belt because who does in a taxi (I now).  So, it's off to physio for me starting today.  All I want is for it to be repaired by the end of July, when I do my 2K Lake Windermere open water swim in B.C. because I don't want to have to swim it with only one arm.

All I can say is, don't get old!   

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

No sh-t Sherlock

So, the Canadian Women's Hockey League (CWHL) is folding.  Why is anyone surprised?  Apart from the Olympics, where there is actually a point to the competition, who cares about professional women's hockey?  I mean, who'd pay a ton of money to watch women play inferior hockey?  Not I.

Heard a sad interview on CBC (so many of them are) with one of the players -- of whom I had never heard -- in which she lamented the fact that people didn't come to watch their games and that if they had, the league would not be folding.  Well, that's exactly the point!  No one wants to see them play because it's not exciting.  If you have a hundred bucks or so to go to a game, you'd go to an NHL game, would you not?  You wouldn't pick a women's game over a men's.  You just wouldn't. 

So audios to professional women's hockey.

Just wanted to rant about the latest native nonsense.  Apparently, some consultant or other will be paid $1.28 million to tell the Cat Lake Reserve what everyone already knows:  There is mould in housing on that reserve.  Gee, it's pretty obvious, but they decided to pay a carney barker to spell it out for them at great cost -- your money, Mr. and Mrs. Canada.  And I am sure there are many other reserves with mouldy housing.  How about all of them?!  Here's a shot of one house:

Lovely, isn't it.  But junior has his video game, so eff school.  What I want to know is who built these dumps with our money?  Now it will cost $12.8 million to replace them.  It's an outrage.  "They have to pay me what they owe me," says the consultant, opening his wallet.  Where is Indian and Northern Affairs in all this?  They are paid good money to deal with this, but what I think is happening is that the department is actually trying to force native leaders to be accountable for the mess they have made of their own reserves and thus are not just going to throw more and more money at the problem only to have it recur.

So, rather than take responsibility for the housing mess, the leaders simply hired a consultant to write the report so they could get more money to start over and mess it all up again.

That's what I think and I think I'm right.