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Sunday, June 17, 2018


Don't know what's happened to Client Services at the Canada Revenue Agency since I left, but things have tanked.  Jamie Golomber wrote a piece in 'The Globe and Mail' the other day about how bad accuracy and accessibility now are.  Just to get into the queue, callers have to try 3.3 times and agents blocked more than half of calls received, meaning clients reached neither an agent, nor an automated line. 

I remember when the 1-800 system went on line.  Although everyone clapped themselves on the back, it was a disaster, which is why the CRA is adopting yet another telephone system to inform callers of wait times -- something everyone else has been doing forever.  (Another case of "The Emperor's New Clothes.) 

But here's the kicker, when clients did reach an agent, they were given incorrect information 30 percent of the time.  Thirty percent!  As well as the Problem Resolution Program, I was also in charge of the accuracy surveys when I was there and I don't recall rates being as dismal as that.  From what I understood from the article, accuracy surveys are no longer regularly carried out.  Big mistake, in my view.

Who's in charge over there?  Why does it take a boot in the a-se from the auditor general to make the CRA pull up its socks?  

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