...it's not oil tankers that are the threat to whales off the coast of BC, it's ferries and whale watching boats. Ah ha! Take that Elizabeth May and your sidekicks in the environmental and native cohort. Apparently, 3,200 large container ships come into Burrard Inlet every year, along with thousands of ferries bumping and clanging around, which generate noise and commotion and disturb the killer pods.
But who cares! It's only the oil tankers that are the problem. "We still say no to the project," said the enlightened Chief Judy Wilson of the union of BC Indian Chiefs. Well, of course they do! And this in the face of yet another round of approvals of the project by the NEB. "All I can say is this will never have Indigenous support. The project isn't happening," said another ignorant chief with his hand in the pockets of every Canadian, Stewart Phillip.
Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind's made up, seems to be the motto of this gang. Oh, and did I mention BC plans to increase the number of ferry trips in coastal waters by an enormous 2,700 trips per year -- 225 more per month. To handle the pipeline expansion, the number per month would go from 29 to 35 per month. Quite a significant difference, wouldn't you say?
Oh, and let's not even mention that Vancouver and Victoria dump 700 million litres of untreated sewage and waste water in the Salish Sea every day. Every day! These people need to get their sh-t together -- literally and figuratively -- and clean up the whale habitat themselves before blocking a much-need pipeline expansion that meets every obstacle and criteria thrown against it.
Complete bullsh-t.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Friday, February 22, 2019
He just rolled over
The late Clerk of the Privy Council, Gordon Robertson, that is. He would no more have pressured a justice minister to do -- or not do -- anything than fly to the moon. (I refer to Mr. Robertson because he is someone about whom I have inside knowledge because B worked for him.)
The outrageous display put on by current Trudeau-appointed clerk Michael Wernick was a disgraceful sideshow. In anticipation of what Ms. Wilson-Raybould is about to spill, he came out swinging, saying she would probably disagree with his account of the "no pressure" conversations they had had. To be called by the clerk and told the PM wanted this and that is obviously "pressure". "I was informing the minister of context," he said. Really?! That's a real twist to the meaning of "context" in my book.
And to top it off, he hysterically said he anticipated an assassination during the upcoming election campaign! Whaaaaat!!??!! This is the top bureaucrat! The head honcho! Man, are we in trouble. Oh wait, I forgot, Trudeau appointed him.
Having been senior in the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs for many years, Wernick must have felt he could push an Indian around -- especially a female one -- because he had been used to pushing so many around when he was running that department.
Do you really think he would have pressured a white male AG like that? I didn't think so. That's my take on this whole sorry mess. And as I have said, it's not over -- not by a long shot. More heads -- such as Telford's -- have to roll or else we will have drip-drip-drip forever. To find out what's going on, watch Don Martin's 'Power Play' on CTV every day. He has it all covered.
The outrageous display put on by current Trudeau-appointed clerk Michael Wernick was a disgraceful sideshow. In anticipation of what Ms. Wilson-Raybould is about to spill, he came out swinging, saying she would probably disagree with his account of the "no pressure" conversations they had had. To be called by the clerk and told the PM wanted this and that is obviously "pressure". "I was informing the minister of context," he said. Really?! That's a real twist to the meaning of "context" in my book.
And to top it off, he hysterically said he anticipated an assassination during the upcoming election campaign! Whaaaaat!!??!! This is the top bureaucrat! The head honcho! Man, are we in trouble. Oh wait, I forgot, Trudeau appointed him.
Having been senior in the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs for many years, Wernick must have felt he could push an Indian around -- especially a female one -- because he had been used to pushing so many around when he was running that department.
Do you really think he would have pressured a white male AG like that? I didn't think so. That's my take on this whole sorry mess. And as I have said, it's not over -- not by a long shot. More heads -- such as Telford's -- have to roll or else we will have drip-drip-drip forever. To find out what's going on, watch Don Martin's 'Power Play' on CTV every day. He has it all covered.
Monday, February 18, 2019
Told you so
I did a blog Feb. 13, 2019, entitled "Fire them", in which I said Butts had to go. Too bad it took so long because now it won't help. It also doesn't help that Telford remains in the PMO. I predict she'll have to go too.
The longer this drags out, the worse things are going to get. I said Trudeau didn't have the nuts to fire Butts and he doesn't, but Butts fired himself because he knows worse is to come on this one and all fingers will be pointed at him.
One thing that also has to be said -- and so far hasn't been by anyone -- is that Wilson-Raybould should never have met with Butts, as she did at the Chateau Laurier. No attorney general or Justice minister should ever, ever meet with a politico from the PMO on any matter. I don't care if it's to discuss the drapes, it should never happen. She should have told him she would not meet because now she has left herself open to criticism. She's claiming they pressured her, but she very unwisely let them. But, as usual, the lazy media don't look into this problem.
Even though gone, Butts could still run the show from the sidelines, advising Trudeau on everything and anything. Or, Butts could decide to throw Trudeau to the wolves and let him swing in the wind, hoisting himself by his own petard on a daily basis. As I said, Butts ran the country. It's up to him to decide if he still will.
The longer this drags out, the worse things are going to get. I said Trudeau didn't have the nuts to fire Butts and he doesn't, but Butts fired himself because he knows worse is to come on this one and all fingers will be pointed at him.
One thing that also has to be said -- and so far hasn't been by anyone -- is that Wilson-Raybould should never have met with Butts, as she did at the Chateau Laurier. No attorney general or Justice minister should ever, ever meet with a politico from the PMO on any matter. I don't care if it's to discuss the drapes, it should never happen. She should have told him she would not meet because now she has left herself open to criticism. She's claiming they pressured her, but she very unwisely let them. But, as usual, the lazy media don't look into this problem.
Even though gone, Butts could still run the show from the sidelines, advising Trudeau on everything and anything. Or, Butts could decide to throw Trudeau to the wolves and let him swing in the wind, hoisting himself by his own petard on a daily basis. As I said, Butts ran the country. It's up to him to decide if he still will.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
This tells it all
This picture tells the whole story. There's Trudeau, condescendingly making Wilson-Raybould the Justice Minister. He looks as if he's talking to a star-struck teen, but then, that's how she's acting here. And there are the smug, self-satisfied Butts and Telford in the background. They have been the architects of all the messes in which he finds himself. As I've said, Butts is the guy who drove McGinty into the ditch and the brainless Trudeau hires him!
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Here he is, the most male chauvinistic pig I can think of. "Feminist"! My ass.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Fire them
The only way Trudeau can pretend he has integrity is to fire Gerald Butts and Katie Telford. That would take the heat off him.
But he won't because they are his babysitters and the ones who tell him what to do, what to say and where to go. "Fire me," won't come out of Butts' mouth. Don't forget, Butts was the guy who drove McGinty into the ditch. How brilliant of Trudeau to hire him. Not.
Doesn't have the nuts.
If he were to, it wouldn't matter what Jodie Raybould says because he can say, "I fired them."
So, here is the guy who said he was a "feminist" and a "champion of Indigenous people" throwing a native woman under the bus. Doesn't get much worse than that. The problem is, the election is too far away to make any difference. Too bad.
I did a blog (can't find it) about how Trudeau was no more a "feminist" than I am a man.
But he won't because they are his babysitters and the ones who tell him what to do, what to say and where to go. "Fire me," won't come out of Butts' mouth. Don't forget, Butts was the guy who drove McGinty into the ditch. How brilliant of Trudeau to hire him. Not.
Doesn't have the nuts.
If he were to, it wouldn't matter what Jodie Raybould says because he can say, "I fired them."
So, here is the guy who said he was a "feminist" and a "champion of Indigenous people" throwing a native woman under the bus. Doesn't get much worse than that. The problem is, the election is too far away to make any difference. Too bad.
I did a blog (can't find it) about how Trudeau was no more a "feminist" than I am a man.
Monday, February 11, 2019
I was fortunate enough to have worked with Michael Wilson and his staff when Canada negotiated the original NAFTA and then the GST. He has gone and I say, Rest in Peace. He was a true gentleman, very civilized and those of us working on those two vitally-important files appreciated his approach, reflected in how we worked to very tight deadlines with a number of departments (and the US in the case of NAFTA) to implement those programs.
I am extremely proud of having worked on both these initiatives. What used to gall me were the people I had to work with when Customs and Excise was (disastrously -- thank you Pierre Gravelle) rolled into Revenue Canada. I ended up working for women who had started at a tax office counter and ended up in headquarters, having done absolutely nothing else in their entire careers. There I was, with a ton of broad experience in both the private and public sectors, having to put up with female bean counters! It was not pleasant and convinced me once again that women are their own worst enemies.
I would like to dedicate this to these women:
Saw an interview with Kevin O'Leary in which he slammed Trudeau, Morneau and Freeland for being the authors of Canada's disastrous fall into financial ruin. Yep, you can certainly blame those three and I hope the latest scandal -- SNC Lavalin meddling -- drags Butts and Telford into the witness box. Will this bring down the Liberals? My guess is they will get a minority government because a) Scheer is not attractive to voters, and b) It will be the millennials and ethnics who back Trudeau -- just as they blindly back Calgary Mayor Nenshi as he throws our money into many black holes with his fits of unbridled hubris.
Oh dear, oh dear.
I am extremely proud of having worked on both these initiatives. What used to gall me were the people I had to work with when Customs and Excise was (disastrously -- thank you Pierre Gravelle) rolled into Revenue Canada. I ended up working for women who had started at a tax office counter and ended up in headquarters, having done absolutely nothing else in their entire careers. There I was, with a ton of broad experience in both the private and public sectors, having to put up with female bean counters! It was not pleasant and convinced me once again that women are their own worst enemies.
I would like to dedicate this to these women:
- Sue W
- Marj O
- Monica J-K
- Dianne G and
- Helene B
Saw an interview with Kevin O'Leary in which he slammed Trudeau, Morneau and Freeland for being the authors of Canada's disastrous fall into financial ruin. Yep, you can certainly blame those three and I hope the latest scandal -- SNC Lavalin meddling -- drags Butts and Telford into the witness box. Will this bring down the Liberals? My guess is they will get a minority government because a) Scheer is not attractive to voters, and b) It will be the millennials and ethnics who back Trudeau -- just as they blindly back Calgary Mayor Nenshi as he throws our money into many black holes with his fits of unbridled hubris.
Oh dear, oh dear.
Friday, February 8, 2019
The latest nonsense
Does no one at the Alberta Ministry of Education know that Canada has only two official languages? Not only do we have only two languages, we have only one officially bilingual province: New Brunswick. But apparently the Minister of Education skipped civics classes in high school because he is seriously entertaining the demands of Filipinos that Tagalog be taught in provincial schools. Tagalog! This is one of eight Filipino languages and apparently the 170,000 Filipinos living here want special classes added in publically-funded schools here.
This is insane! Tagalog is the seventh most spoken language in the Philippines so why that one? Will they then demand the other six be taught? And what about the 187 dialects spoken there? Surely we'll have to have classes for those too.
Hey, teach your kids Filipino languages yourselves in after-school programs you fund privately. Why should Albertan taxpayers pay for it? And if Tagalog is so imperative and useful in the world, why are Filipinos here in the first place? Why aren't they back in the Philippines succeeding wildly and becoming prosperous as a result of being able to speak that language -- a language no one else in the world has ever heard of?
Alberta also offers the following languages in its curriculum:
Canada is seriously off-base.
(Alma, what do you have to say about this?! I'd seriously like to hear from you, my friend.)
This is insane! Tagalog is the seventh most spoken language in the Philippines so why that one? Will they then demand the other six be taught? And what about the 187 dialects spoken there? Surely we'll have to have classes for those too.
Hey, teach your kids Filipino languages yourselves in after-school programs you fund privately. Why should Albertan taxpayers pay for it? And if Tagalog is so imperative and useful in the world, why are Filipinos here in the first place? Why aren't they back in the Philippines succeeding wildly and becoming prosperous as a result of being able to speak that language -- a language no one else in the world has ever heard of?
Alberta also offers the following languages in its curriculum:
- Arabic
- Chinese Mandarin
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Punjabi
- Spanish
- Ukrainian
- French
- Blackfoot
- Cree, and oh yeah....
- English
Canada is seriously off-base.
(Alma, what do you have to say about this?! I'd seriously like to hear from you, my friend.)
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
What was with all the women in white last evening during the State of the Union speech? If they were trying to make a statement it was that they do whatever Pelosi tells them. They looked like a cross between lemmings and the KKK. I have no idea why independent, educated women elected by constituents chose to chuck their identities and dress in a uniform?
It was jarring and an insult to their offices and electors. American politics in Washington bear no relation to what goes on in the rest of the country. It's all gamesmanship and irrelevancy. Geez I wish women would grow up.
It was jarring and an insult to their offices and electors. American politics in Washington bear no relation to what goes on in the rest of the country. It's all gamesmanship and irrelevancy. Geez I wish women would grow up.
Monday, February 4, 2019
The National Post carried a couple of articles about all the illegal migrants crossing into Canada with gay abandon and it infuriates me -- both as a law-abiding citizen and a taxpayer. These people, with their designer luggage and their ample, non-refugee bodies, are just waltzing over without sanction. The RCMP has spent more that $6.6 million in just the last two years processing these bums.
To date, 19,419 asylum seekers (from what we don't know?!) have entered Canada between official ports of entry. At one point, when the weather was nice of course, they were handling more than 400 per day! "That's meals, diapers, baby food -- you name it," said an RCMP spokesman. Whaaaaat? Why are we supplying diapers and baby food??!!
It all adds up to approximately $14,321 per criminal to process, or $340 million last year. This year that number is expected to rise to $370 million. And that doesn't include the welfare and rent money they will then be handed after initial processing until their cases are heard by the Immigration and Refugee Board. So outrageous -- especially when Trudeau says we don't have enough money to look after our own vets. In August last year, 5,530 arrived in Quebec illegally and no month has had fewer than 100.
Something has to be done, but with Trudeau nothing will. He has even decided to allow people to vote without being citizens! It's not just cradle Canadians who are upset. It's also the immigrants who entered legally following the rules, such as my husband whose family waited seven years to immigrate. Trudeau has to go, he simply has to. He is destroying our country.
To date, 19,419 asylum seekers (from what we don't know?!) have entered Canada between official ports of entry. At one point, when the weather was nice of course, they were handling more than 400 per day! "That's meals, diapers, baby food -- you name it," said an RCMP spokesman. Whaaaaat? Why are we supplying diapers and baby food??!!
It all adds up to approximately $14,321 per criminal to process, or $340 million last year. This year that number is expected to rise to $370 million. And that doesn't include the welfare and rent money they will then be handed after initial processing until their cases are heard by the Immigration and Refugee Board. So outrageous -- especially when Trudeau says we don't have enough money to look after our own vets. In August last year, 5,530 arrived in Quebec illegally and no month has had fewer than 100.
Something has to be done, but with Trudeau nothing will. He has even decided to allow people to vote without being citizens! It's not just cradle Canadians who are upset. It's also the immigrants who entered legally following the rules, such as my husband whose family waited seven years to immigrate. Trudeau has to go, he simply has to. He is destroying our country.
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Do these people look like refugees to you? |
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