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Monday, November 25, 2024

$45 million

That's what the federal government, i.e., you and me, have just handed the Inuit for killing their dogs in the fifties and sixties.

I am not making this up!  $45 million!#$^%^&$!!

Back then, there were approximately 1,000 sled dogs in Eskimo communities.  That's $45,000 per dog!@^@#!!!!&%!!  The culling was designed to bring the Inuit into the modern era and improve their way of life.  Didn't work.  

Two dogs, $90,000.
All this while our northern border is under threat by both Russia and China.  That's how they will come over if either decides to invade.  

And all this while we are not meeting our NATO commitment of two percent of GDP for our military.

All this while Trudeau, our Marxist/Ken Doll prime minister, boogies his perverted self away at a Taylor Swift concert with underage girls, exchanging bracelets.

All this while Trudeau is sending every Canadian $250 cheques.  For no reason.

It is beyond sickening.  

Sunday, November 24, 2024

More lawlessness

You have to pull back the curtain to find out what's really going on.  As a working journalist at Maclean Hunter in Toronto in the seventies, that was the guiding principle drummed into me when I covered any story.  Who's involved and what is his/her background?

Unchecked mob rule in Montreal

Watching the riots and lawlessness unfolding in Montreal yesterday, I applied this principle and wondered, "Who is the police chief who won't enforce the law -- you know, the law that prohibits demonstrations within 100 yards of any Jewish synagogue or community centre?  Sure enough, I got the answer:  

His name is Fady Dagher and he is a Lebanese Canadian:

The chief of police who won't enforce the law.

That's why he didn't arrest, detain and charge the violent, ransacking mob that destroyed and looted large sections of Montreal protesting the Jews and promoting the Palestinian cause.

He didn't because he is pro-Palestinian.  Plain and simple.

And where was our fearless prime minister during all this?  Why, he was at a Taylor Swift concert, carousing and dancing with his daughter!!  You could not make this up!  I have just re-connected with an old colleague, Barry McLoughlin, who is in the business of coaching and training politicians on how to deal with the media and public perception.  Would Barry have counselled the PM to fiddle while Rome burned?  Would he have advised him to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic while it sank?

Nero fiddles while Rome burns -- literally.  Your tax dollars at work.

Never.  But obviously, because Trudeau knows he is done, he will now do anything he damn well pleases because he cannot not sink any lower in the polls.  He is a man/child to the core and an embarrassment to all Canadians.

Will his "a chicken in every pot" tactic of throwing billons at the "bread and circuses" gang save him?  You know, it might just and that frightens me to the core.  He has destroyed Canada.

He has to go.



Thursday, November 21, 2024

Who's minding the store?

His background is milk and chocolates.  That's who's running Canada Post.  Doug Ettinger.  You've also got seven more senior executives and....wait for it......14 vice-presidents!!!!

That's 22 people who couldn't get a contract with the union done over the last 365 days -- the length of time workers have been without a contract!  The nearest I can figure from the massive org chart is that VP Mike Shearon of Operations would be the guy charged with dealing with the union.  Great job, Mike!

CEO Doug Ettinger makes $500,000, so do the math on how much money is squandered on the rest of the bunch.  Millions and millions!   Then there's Jean-Yves Duclos, the minister responsible, who did nothing for the entire year no contract was reached.

So now, here we are.  Heading into Christmas and there's no end in sight.  I have no time for the union, which is too stupid to figure out Canada Post's operational model makes no sense.  The corporation has lost $491 million in the first six months of 2024.  $491 million!!!  And they have done nothing to stem the flow of tax dollars bleeding out of our pockets.

They're up to billions lost in the last five years.  That's unconscionable and has to change. 

Bye bye to this guy.
Frankly, I blame Joe Davidson, the rabid union guy who started it all.  Joe was notorious as the leader who once proclaimed, "To hell with the public."  In the late 1970s, as the leader of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, he was perhaps the most hated man in Canada.  I remember him well.

Davidson told his story in an autobiography, warts and all.  He recounted his experience as a worker in Scotland, toiling in foundries before his move to Canada.  He described his rise to become a union an executive, a position he never really wanted, he claimed.  As if. 

Most importantly, he offered insight into the most contentious period in Canadian postal history, 13 years that witnessed five separate work stoppages, a time of rapid technological change and great labour unrest.

Yep, Joe was a jerk who ruined the post office and then went back to Scotland to die.  Thanks a bunch!  But UPS, Purolator, DHL, FedEx and Canpar can thank him for their rise and vast fortunes!  He made the post office obsolete 50 years ago.

As for the current union, there are 330,000 employees with Mark Diamondstein heading it.  Those 22 executives need to fire themselves and someone needs to scrap the whole organization and bring in a new model fashioned after the private courier companies.

Will it ever happen?  No. 

My own memories of Canada Post are of our mailman, Henry, who was beloved by my family.  Until my Mother caught him sneaking into the house (always unlocked in those days) and nipping into the liquor.  I remember him sitting in our living room one morning, while my Mother and aunts held an intervention.  Henry was weeping, but they didn't report him and he never did it again.  That's the kind of people my family were.  Honourable.  May they all rest in peace.

And Henry too.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Street life

Re-printed from 'The Catholic League' newsletter.  It is about New York City, but could be anywhere (photos have been included by me):


November 18, 2024
The Ford Foundation, located in New York City, is funding left-wing groups that are protesting attempts to clean up a non-white neighborhood in Queens that has been overrun by violent thugs, drug dealers, prostitutes and sex traffickers.


Which raises the question: Are those who run the Ford Foundation racists? They certainly appear to be. Without doubt, they have taken the side of those who are determined to punish hard-working minority men and women; they are also endangering children. Why would the members of the "ruling class" want to do that?

The community being ransacked is Jackson Heights, especially along Roosevelt Avenue, the main road.

A local writer put it this way. “For years, sex trafficking and solicitation, illegal vending, sanitation and other issues on Roosevelt—a road known for its cultural significance and diversity as well as its problems—has been top of mind for locals and selected officials.” Crime is exploding.

Hiram Monserrate, a former New York City Councilman, sums it up nicely. “There are more brothels than there are bodegas in this community. We have an active 24-hour brothel across the street from two elementary schools. Our kids are seeing this.”

An Hispanic woman, whose grandson and her teenaged kids go to school in the neighborhood, recently complained to the media that they have to walk by prostitutes soliciting outside of stores. “You literally have to shield their eyes because the open urination is just impossible. And to explain to my little grandson why there’s women here shaking and, you know, doing all that stuff.”

In response, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced “Operation Restore Roosevelt.” It is focused on quality-of-life concerns. The NYPD interim commissioner said the police “will be working to reduce retail theft and the sale of stolen goods. Additionally, removing illegal, unlicensed vendors and illegal vehicles in the surrounding area, which is important to all of you, and also eliminating prostitution.”

Over 90 percent of the people who live in Jackson Heights are non-white; it is disproportionately Hispanic. They are happy to note that finally there is an attempt to bring normalcy to their neighborhood. It was their protests that ignited officials to act. But now they are being opposed by counterdemonstrators who object to cleaning up the area!

The two major groups who want to continue trashing Jackson Heights are Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society (GLITS) and Make the Road New York. Both are funded by the Ford Foundation.

The founder and director of GLITS is Ceyenne Doroshow. “For decades,” he says, “sex workers have been surviving, demanding respect and good healthcare, and still yet we are still being criminalized. We urge investment in our communities, not more criminalization in our communities.”

In other words, the minorities who live there be damned—he wants prostitution to reign supreme, free from law enforcement. It’s all about what these sexually deranged activists want.

Doroshow is also an anti-Catholic bigot. Earlier this year, he arranged for his sick followers to show up at St. Patrick’s Cathedral during a funeral service to honor one of their ilk, Cecilia Gentili. Gentili was a man who falsely claimed to be a woman. He was an illegal alien, a drug addict, a prostitute, a trans activist and an atheist.

At the service, many of Doroshow’s fans dressed as hookers, danced in the aisles, and sang “Ave Cecilia” when “Ave Maria” was sung. They shouted, “St. Cecilia, Mother of All Whores.”

Maxima Rodas is an activist who works for Make the Road Again. She objects to Mayor Adams’ policies aimed at driving out the derelicts and criminals. “This so-called quality of life operation targets sex workers, street vendors and migrant communities who live in this neighborhood. This is a racist and anti-immigrant attack from our communities.”

Mayor Adams has said that “Roosevelt Avenue is one of the most diverse avenues in our city.” Ironically, the Ford Foundation—which is funding this bedlam—brags that “Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are core to our mission and to who we are as a foundation.” Perversely, their idea of diversity includes destroying the diversity that Adams noted.

The Ford Foundation has long been corrupt. It advertises on its website that Henry Ford II assumed the foundation’s leadership after his father and grandfather passed away. What it doesn’t say is that he quit in 1976 because it had been turned into a radical anti-capitalist, left-wing beast.

Darren Walker is the black homosexual president of the Ford Foundation. He has obviously turned on minorities in favor of greasing LGBTQ racists who want to destroy Jackson Heights. We will be contacting him, as well as all the other officials associated with the organization. The elites really do hate the masses.


So, there you have it.  Anyone protesting is racist and anti-immigrant.  I bet Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave to think that a rabid homosexual is the head of his foundation.

The God-fearing Henry Ford

Sunday, November 17, 2024


So, the latest Angus Reid poll shows that a large number of new, non-Caucasian  Canadians are unhappy with their lives Canada.

Many migrants and illegals unhappy here.


Apparently, more than a third of Canadians are "not too happy", or "not happy at all" with how life is turning out for them.  That, my friends, is a direct result of Trudeau's famous utterance, "Come to Canada, Canadians will welcome you."  Thank you, you imbecile:

The smug source of the problem.

So a whole ton of illegal migrants rushed across the border -- designer luggage in tow, by the way -- and flooded into airports and through land entry points to a country where no housing was available to legal Canadians, let alone illegals.   

People born in Canada are most likely to be "pretty happy" (64 percent).  But for immigrants who have been here for 20 or fewer years, 48 percent claim to be "unhappy".  That's outrageous.  With all the free money given "you people" (to quote Grapes) one would think gratitude would play a part.  But no, they're just not happy.  Folks, there is a solution: Head back from whence you came.

Judging from old photos and descriptions of life for Irish, Scottish and English immigrants, who existed in sod houses and cave-like dwellings, I am sure they were just as unhappy.  But, unlike today's migrants, they endured, persevered and suffered much worse fates, but didn't complain.  In fact, they must have been a lot happier than had they stayed in Britain, subsisting and starving.

Christmas dinner for early settlers to Canada -- cabbage and potatoes -- a far cry from what immigrants enjoy now.

Angus Reid called this poll "Great Expectations or Bleak House?" and said it told "A Tale of Two Cities".

Very a propos, but with the iceberg that is China's looming war-chest buildup lapping at our unprepared, oblivious shores, it's time for everyone to buckle down and strap in.  


Saturday, November 16, 2024


I put a question mark after the title of this blog, but I should have used an exclamation point because it isn't a question.  The case of a Nova Scotia mother who just had her 10th child removed permanently from her care screams for the procedure.


This woman is an alcoholic, drug addict and an obvious threat to the welfare of all her children.  How can she have thought it a good idea to get pregnant 10 times??!!!!  The Nova Scotia Supreme Court has ruled that in the child's best interest, she will be placed permanently in the care of the ministry of social services.

Her three oldest children were placed with grandparents and another six with the province.  But she went ahead and got herself pregnant again!

So sickening.

I didn't want to believe my hunch, but was the mother Indigenous?  Sure enough, she is Mi'kmaq.  I hate it when my biases and assumptions come true.

Apparently, she drank and did drugs throughout this pregnancy too and was involved in a violent incident with her sister and father during which she smashed a car window with a baseball bat.  Attending police described her and the sister as being "heavily intoxicated" at the time.

It's all so sad -- especially for the children, most of whom have varying tragic degrees of fetal alcohol syndrome.  What hope do they have?  As I said, I hope to G-d someone sterilizes this woman.  

More native stuff

Poor Randy Boissonnault, tying himself up in linguistic, cultural and legal contortions trying to claim he is Indigenous.  Apparently, technically he's not.  But, maybe he is, sort of.  Or not.  Probably.

I know navigating who is Indigenous, who is Métis or who is Inuit is foggy slogging, but Randy really stepped right in it (as my Grandfather used to say) on this one.  For years he has claimed he was Cree.  Now, it turns out, he has been "confusing" people about his heritage.

Randy trying to pull an Indigenous rabbit out of his hat.

"I never claimed Indigenous status," he told 'The National Post'.  Whaaat??!!  Yes you did.  You even sat as a member of the Indigenous caucus.  Apparently, now he describes himself as a "non-status, adopted Cree" because his adoptive mother and brother are Métis.  

But from my research about who can claim Métis status, he may well be.  In 2003, the Supreme Court ruled that a Métis can be a person of mixed European and Indigenous race, but can also include people who have lived among Métis, or married into a Métis community.  So, Randy should not have claimed he was Indigenous, but could well have claimed Métis status.  He didn't.

With all the sh-t the government has to deal with, wasting time on this tempest-in-a-teacup is ludicrous.  But there are people who earn their living doing just that.  Robert Henry, an Indigenous research chair at the University of Saskatchewan, said Boissonnault should not have been included among Indigenous colleagues on the caucus website.

"You have to be clear, he's actually non-Indigenous," said Henry, "because positioning yourself as Indigenous gives you a different authority to speak on these issues."

See what I mean?  Frankly, even I have lost the plot on this one.  So Randy, sit down, shut up and start working on the many serious issues in your Edmonton riding.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Gentlemen, start your engines

Turns out idling your car outside 'Seven 11' while you dash in for a carton of milk isn't what's causing catastrophic climate change.  No.  It's all determined by a chain of feedbacks involving the ice, the air and -- most importantly -- the oceans and it's been happening for millions of years.

This is the conclusion of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Summit Station, located in Greenland on the ice sheet -- the epicentre of climate change.  While the two trillion tons of CO2 that people have pumped into the atmosphere have changed the planet to some degree, they are no match for the natural cycles that occur.

I read this in an article in 'The New Yorker', which went into great detail about what is actually happening.  The history of Greenland is a case in point.  During what's known as the Last Glacial Maximum, some twenty thousand years ago, an ice sheet stretched continuously from Greenland across Ellesmere and Baffin Islands, down over Canada and much of the northern United States.  So much water was tied up in the ice that sea levels were found hundred feet lower that they are today.  It was possible to walk not just from Siberia to Alaska, but also from Australia to Tasmania and England to France.

When the ice melted large swaths of the world experienced catastrophic flooding and sea levels rose by more that a foot a decade.  So, rising sea levels are nothing new.  All of it is initiated and terminated by periodic shifts in the Earth's orbit, caused by the tug of Jupiter and Saturn over millions of years.  Any slight orbit shift affects the amount of sunlight that reaches different parts of the globe at different times of the year.

So, it's not cars causing the problems.  It's much bigger than that and there comes a tipping point from which there is no going back -- try as the hysterical and raving Stephen Guilbault might to eliminate oil and gas from the planet.

In the nineties, a team of researchers working at Summit in Greenland succeeded in drilling all the way from the top of the the ice sheet to the bedrock-- about two miles.  Samples taken show how temperatures had varied during the last ice age.  Some swings would shoot up by as much as 20 degrees in a couple of decades, only to drop again.  Apparently, a crazily jumping climate had been the rule, not the exception.

At many points, the Earth has been much hotter than it is today.  During one period 90 million years ago, breadfruit trees grew on Greenland and a rain forest thrived on Antarctica.  There were vineyards in Scotland as temperatures yo-yoed wildly up and down.

It's all very complicated, but basically, humans and our activities will not prevail.  The Earth and its planets will do their thing.  The conclusion is dire:  Once the world's remaining mountain glaciers disappear, they won't be coming back.  Nor will the coral reefs or the Amazon rain forest.  Once we cross the tipping point we may not even notice, but the world as we know it will be gone.

When they all melt, we're done.

In the interim, I'm going to keep driving my gas car.  

Friday, November 8, 2024

Moral decay

Frankly, that's what is behind the ludicrous push to promote children who think they are transgendered.  Moral decay.  Here in Alberta, Premier Smith has pushed back and put in many restrictions and age limits for children who want to be the other gender and cut off their private parts before they even reach puberty.

It's insane!

In my world, there are only two genders:  Male and female.  When you're a legal adult, you can do what you want, but not when you're a kid.  And this nonsense with pronouns.  Gawd!  It's everywhere!  English is a beautiful language, so let "he she" be shielded from the lunacy of "they them".  

Let's let kids be kids.

Since the deranged notion of allowing transgender, post-puberty men to compete in women's sports, 900 medals have been taken away from bona fide women by men who are racing as "women".

So wrong.

And speaking of deranged, why did Kamala Harris pin her entire campaign on abortion rights?  That was nuts.  Women know how to prevent pregnancy and if they do get pregnant, through some slip or other, there are many states who permit it.  Just go there and get one.  

She lost because middle-aged and post-menopausal women did not vote on the basis of abortion.  She also lost because young Black men and Latinos broke for Trump.  That demographic would definitely not want a woman as president.  It's a cultural anathema to them.  And as for Barack Obama telling "the brothers" they had to vote for her, that was a big nail in her coffin and so were all those "woke" celebrity endorsements, which bombed.  That's it for Bruce Springsteen in my world. 

The elites lost because they talked down to the working people.  It wasn't race or gender, it was class.  Underground voters also played a role.  "I trust you are voting for Harris, dear."  "Of course," says the husband, as he walks into the booth and ticks for Trump.

She also lost because she could not put a coherent thought together.  Try as I might, I could not dig out a picture of what she stood for?  As for Trump, I understood what he was saying and knew what his positions were his, not those of consultants feeding him a script.  

I am also delighted he has appointed the first-ever female chief of staff, Susie Wiles, a middle-aged woman with vast experience.  Brilliant appointment for someone who is supposed to think women inferior.  That puts the lie to that. 

As a Canadian, I feel safer with Trump as president.  Since our military is so lame and under-funded, we cannot defend ourselves, so we will be relying on the US to do so.  But we are going to have to get to two percent before 2032, as this government has said we will -- read might.  2032?!  I don't think so.  

Currently, Canada spends $40 billion on defence. We'll have to get that up to $80 billion to reach our NATO obligation, which will mean brutal political fighting about which shipyard and which arms manufacturer gets which contract in which riding.  How's that going to work?  Exactly.

Nevertheless, we must get our funding up to two percent of GDP, or Trump will set us adrift.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


It astounds me that half of all Americans are poised to vote for Harris.  I know Trump has a few screws loose, but have her supporters not listened to her?

"Madame vice president, what is your economic policy?"

Giggling and hand wringing appears.  "You know, the American people are resilient!  They're strong, they're committed and they're resourceful!  We're going to win!"

Cheering erupts.

"Ms. Harris, what is your foreign policy?"

More giggling, grinning and hand wringing.  "I intend to do exactly what Presidents Biden and Obama did."  

"No change?  No new approach?"

"No, I am going to follow the same path."

So, why are you running, if you don't intend to change anything?  That's my question.  

"What about the southern border?  In the four years you were in charge of this file, five million more illegals came into the US.  There are now an estimated 15 million undocumented people living in this country."

"You know, the American people are resilient!  They're strong, they're committed and they're resourceful!  We're going to win!"

Never, never answers a question, so how does anyone know what she'll do as president?  She has no depth, no insights, no sense of history -- no gravitas, no nothing.  The women voting for her are doing so just because she's a woman, which is no reason at all.  Do a little research.  Pull back the curtain.  Inform yourselves.  Please.

And as to her personal life, about which there is open season on Trump's all the time, the mainstream media completely ignores the scandals surrounding her husband Doug Emhoff.  Apparently, he had an affair with the nanny during his first marriage which produced a child.  

Another ex-girlfriend claims he slapped her during an argument at the Cannes film festival in 2012, but absolutely nothing is heard about these abuses in the public thoroughfare.

No one actually knows who's running the country, so I guess it doesn't matter if she gets in because the same people pulling the strings on Biden now will simply continue to pull them on her:  Big pharma and the military-industrial complex.

That's their great fear because if Trump gets in, he'll be pulling his own.


Saturday, November 2, 2024


Launderer-in-chief Bharat Masrani

On page one of 'The Globe and Mail' there is a shocking article about how Bharat Masrani, president of TD Bank, had laundered more than $670 million for US criminals through a slush fund for which American Senator Elizabeth Warren wants him and other senior bank executives heavily fined and charged.

From what I've read, jailed would be a more appropriate penalty; the funds laundered came mainly from fentanyl trafficking.  

"Between January, 2014, and October, 2023, TD Bank leadership knowingly presided over a criminally deficient anti-money laundering program while growing the bank such that its risk profile increased significantly," she wrote to the US department of justice (DOJ).

To date, attorney general Merrick Garland says only two employees have been charged.  All senior executives -- including the big boss Masrani -- have escaped the criminal snare.

Ms. Warren says that prosecutors allowed TD to evade criminal charges that would have triggered a "death penalty" provision which would have given the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency the authority to revoke the lender's charter, forcing it to terminate its US operations.

Not only have bank employees escaped jail, Masrani himself has not been fired, nor has he resigned -- in spite of the fact that the whole operation spanned the time he has been president and CEO.  What he is doing is retiring, but will stay on as a "consultant" for another year, collecting a few more million for his crimes.

Last year, Masrani collected $13 million and, with stock options, will pocket another $125 million when he leaves.  Raymond Chun will take over as president, but will continue to report to Masrani.

As I said, "Whaaaaat??!!" 

Masrani, an Indian citizen from Uganda, appears to have been basically a career criminal who hid under the bank's blanket of respectability for decades.  From my personal experience, many Indians operate within a culture of criminality.  It's inbred, perhaps as a result of the need to survive in a country rife with corruption from top to bottom.  Frankly, it's official government policy and the Indian government's murderous actions on Canadian soil prove it.

Chun, who is of Asian background, is also from a culture tinged with corruption.  Again I am only speaking from my experience, but criminal election interference, for example, appears to be also official government policy and has been happening for decades.  

A couple of personal examples:  Once on a business trip to Halifax, one of the Asian housekeepers stole a silver bracelet from my room.  Upon being told by the manager that unless it was returned immediately, all housekeeping staff would be penalized.  

It appeared back in my room later that day, exactly where I had left it.

Another instance that I remember was a Chinese restaurant in Ottawa that never closed its cash register, so sales were not included for tax purposes.  This happened every time we dined there and, working for RevCan at the time, I always noticed it.  

Don't call me racist, these are culturally-accepted practice.  Of course we have corruption in Canada, but it's not officially institutionalized.  It's hidden and prosecuted when uncovered (just not if you're Justin Trudeau).    

Growing up, B's grandmother in India employed native servants who pilfered and stole with gay abandon.  In fact, she would regularly have to pad the family's budget to cover the thefts.  This was all very normal in that culture.   

But for the Canadian and US governments to do nothing is an outrage.  All Trudeau said when confronted was that the government was "very concerned". 

I guess ho-hum is all that's going to happen.