Re-printed from 'The Catholic League' newsletter. It is about New York City, but could be anywhere (photos have been included by me):
November 18, 2024
The Ford Foundation, located in New York City, is funding left-wing groups that are protesting attempts to clean up a non-white neighborhood in Queens that has been overrun by violent thugs, drug dealers, prostitutes and sex traffickers.
Homeless |
Which raises the question: Are those who run the Ford Foundation racists? They certainly appear to be. Without doubt, they have taken the side of those who are determined to punish hard-working minority men and women; they are also endangering children. Why would the members of the "ruling class" want to do that?
The community being ransacked is Jackson Heights, especially along Roosevelt Avenue, the main road.
A local writer put it this way. “For years, sex trafficking and solicitation, illegal vending, sanitation and other issues on Roosevelt—a road known for its cultural significance and diversity as well as its problems—has been top of mind for locals and selected officials.” Crime is exploding.
Hiram Monserrate, a former New York City Councilman, sums it up nicely. “There are more brothels than there are bodegas in this community. We have an active 24-hour brothel across the street from two elementary schools. Our kids are seeing this.”
An Hispanic woman, whose grandson and her teenaged kids go to school in the neighborhood, recently complained to the media that they have to walk by prostitutes soliciting outside of stores. “You literally have to shield their eyes because the open urination is just impossible. And to explain to my little grandson why there’s women here shaking and, you know, doing all that stuff.”
In response, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced “Operation Restore Roosevelt.” It is focused on quality-of-life concerns. The NYPD interim commissioner said the police “will be working to reduce retail theft and the sale of stolen goods. Additionally, removing illegal, unlicensed vendors and illegal vehicles in the surrounding area, which is important to all of you, and also eliminating prostitution.”
Over 90 percent of the people who live in Jackson Heights are non-white; it is disproportionately Hispanic. They are happy to note that finally there is an attempt to bring normalcy to their neighborhood. It was their protests that ignited officials to act. But now they are being opposed by counterdemonstrators who object to cleaning up the area!
The two major groups who want to continue trashing Jackson Heights are Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society (GLITS) and Make the Road New York. Both are funded by the Ford Foundation.
The founder and director of GLITS is Ceyenne Doroshow. “For decades,” he says, “sex workers have been surviving, demanding respect and good healthcare, and still yet we are still being criminalized. We urge investment in our communities, not more criminalization in our communities.”
In other words, the minorities who live there be damned—he wants prostitution to reign supreme, free from law enforcement. It’s all about what these sexually deranged activists want.
Doroshow is also an anti-Catholic bigot. Earlier this year, he arranged for his sick followers to show up at St. Patrick’s Cathedral during a funeral service to honor one of their ilk, Cecilia Gentili. Gentili was a man who falsely claimed to be a woman. He was an illegal alien, a drug addict, a prostitute, a trans activist and an atheist.
At the service, many of Doroshow’s fans dressed as hookers, danced in the aisles, and sang “Ave Cecilia” when “Ave Maria” was sung. They shouted, “St. Cecilia, Mother of All Whores.”
Maxima Rodas is an activist who works for Make the Road Again. She objects to Mayor Adams’ policies aimed at driving out the derelicts and criminals. “This so-called quality of life operation targets sex workers, street vendors and migrant communities who live in this neighborhood. This is a racist and anti-immigrant attack from our communities.”
Mayor Adams has said that “Roosevelt Avenue is one of the most diverse avenues in our city.” Ironically, the Ford Foundation—which is funding this bedlam—brags that “Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are core to our mission and to who we are as a foundation.” Perversely, their idea of diversity includes destroying the diversity that Adams noted.
The Ford Foundation has long been corrupt. It advertises on its website that Henry Ford II assumed the foundation’s leadership after his father and grandfather passed away. What it doesn’t say is that he quit in 1976 because it had been turned into a radical anti-capitalist, left-wing beast.
Darren Walker is the black homosexual president of the Ford Foundation. He has obviously turned on minorities in favor of greasing LGBTQ racists who want to destroy Jackson Heights. We will be contacting him, as well as all the other officials associated with the organization. The elites really do hate the masses.
So, there you have it. Anyone protesting is racist and anti-immigrant. I bet Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave to think that a rabid homosexual is the head of his foundation.
The God-fearing Henry Ford |