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Monday, November 25, 2024

$45 million

That's what the federal government, i.e., you and me, have just handed the Inuit for killing their dogs in the fifties and sixties.

I am not making this up!  $45 million!#$^%^&$!!

Back then, there were approximately 1,000 sled dogs in Eskimo communities.  That's $45,000 per dog!@^@#!!!!&%!!  The culling was designed to bring the Inuit into the modern era and improve their way of life.  Didn't work.  

Two dogs, $90,000.
All this while our northern border is under threat by both Russia and China.  That's how they will come over if either decides to invade.  

And all this while we are not meeting our NATO commitment of two percent of GDP for our military.

All this while Trudeau, our Marxist/Ken Doll prime minister, boogies his perverted self away at a Taylor Swift concert with underage girls, exchanging bracelets.

All this while Trudeau is sending every Canadian $250 cheques.  For no reason.

It is beyond sickening.  

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