I have been telling you for a long time who runs Trudeau and his government (See "Last time I checked..." July 31, 2020). It's Katie Telford.
Once again, she arrogantly assumed she would prevail in her cat fight with Chrystia Freeland -- so much so that she jetted off to New York this past weekend with her family for a little holiday and even posted gay pictures of her brood on Instagram. Telford obviously had no clue that the wily Freeland would punch her in the political gut by resigning first thing Monday morning.
Talk about a hangover. This woman began as a glorified secretary, but quickly overtook the dim and incompetent prime minister to rise as his alter ego. The latest example was his groveling, knee-bending-ring-kissing dinner date in Mar-a-Lago to sit at the feet of the incoming president. As finance minister, Freeland was the one who should have been with him. But no, he had to have Katie there to hold his hand and put words in his mouth.
Make no mistake. Telford is in charge. Period the end.
Finally, political toady Freeland had had enough. She quit with a flourish rarely seen in Ottawa. Her public letter of resignation was a beauty. Frankly, I couldn't have written a better one myself in all its savagery.
A toady no more |
The fact that Freeland was an incompetent finance minister is a given. She did the PMO's bidding for far too long to the detriment of all Canadians She should have followed Bill Morneau's example and quit a long time ago. Morneau, you will remember, is the guy who refused to craft a political budget and walked away. Freeland took the abuse and kept delivering budgets that have ruined Canada. This time, she turned.
So, we have another example of Trudeau -- the avowed "feminist" -- kicking yet another woman to the curb. He did it to Jody Wilson-Raybould. He did it to Jane Phillpott and he did it to Celina Caesar-Chavannes, an MP from Ontario. And let's not forget his performance in the House of a few years ago, when he crossed the aisle to manhandle and shove Cheryl Gallant right out the door of the House of Commons. That one should have resulted in an assault charge, but of course didn't.
And how about his affair with an underaged student in Vancouver a few years ago. The word "paedophile" springs to mind. He will not resign, I guarantee you. He just appeared at a Christmas party for Liberal staffers, as arrogant and aggressive as ever. It was unbelievable!
Trudeau's problem is that he inherited his money, so he didn't have to learn anything. He became a monster because he was allowed to. Now it's time to exit stage left, but he won't.
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