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Monday, February 24, 2025


That's how Trump operates, on whimsy and personality.  As the Liberals prepare to pick a new leader, they'd better take heed.

Trump loathes Chrystia Freeland -- almost as much as he does Trudeau.  Freeland's problem is that she was in lock step with our hapless PM for 10 years.  She can't shrug that off.

As for Mark Carney, he probably doesn't like him either just because Carney is a snob and an elitist -- both no-no's for the Orange guy.  Since the next PM's main focus will be on dealing with Trump, neither candidates will fare too well, but his hatred of Freeland will be much more prevalent.

Freeland, you will remember, was the minister who negotiated the now-ignored Canada/Mexico/US free trade deal.  The American who had to deal with her, Robert Lighthizer, also loathed her.  The photos of her, four foot nothing, wagging her finger at the man were pathetic.  Way to bring people in, Chrystia!  She has a real knack for turning people off and I'm definitely one of them.

She made it seem negotiating the deal was such a huge task and only thanks to her brilliance was it possible!

Her she is, a wanna be prime minister, clipping her toenails in the House.  Charming!
I was on the team who negotiated the first Canada/US Free Trade agreement back in 1988, when I was with Customs and Excise.  You know what?  It wasn't that difficult because both sides negotiated from a spirit of cooperation, respect and give-and-take.  I can just picture Freeland striding into a meeting, guns blazing and pissing everyone off.  We didn't do that and it all worked out pretty well.

But what is is about Freeland that bugs people?  Is the hair flipping?  Is it the too-tight, too-short dresses she insists on wearing?  Is it those God forsaken pearls she wears with everything (probably a hand-me-down from some long-dead grandmother)?  Is it that smug look?  Is it the way she lectures and talks down to the ignorant, unwashed proletariat?  Frankly, it's all of the above.  A more annoying politician you couldn't find:

Can you seriously imagine this harridan as our prime minister?!

As for Carney, people forget that yes, he may have served as governor of the Bank of England, but only for two years.  They leave that part out.  His term was for five, but they dumped him after just two because his rabid green agenda was ruining the economy.  Brexit was being negotiated and Carney was in the way.  So, rather than having been a glittering governor, he was actually a total bust.  Too bad the lazy media never mentions this.  Don't be fooled, Carney is an hysterical greenie.

If you want to know what's really going on, watch John Mearsheimer and Victor Davis Hanson on YouTube.  That's where you will get the truth about what's happening in the world.  

You won't find it on mainstream media.    

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