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Friday, December 16, 2016

I don't get it?!

I must say that a hundred times a day, as events unfold around me.  But an article in The Calgary Herald today really stimulated the "logic" button in my brain because it actually made sense in a season that has become increasingly illogical.  Entitled "Everyone can embrace Christmas, regardless of their (sic) religion", it was written by a Muslim, Mansoor Ladha, a Calgary author.  If that's true, if Christmas does evoke feelings of love and peace, why can't we call it "Christmas"? 

The sticking point is that everyone agrees with that sentiment, yet we cannot call Christmas "Christmas".  How does that work?  Everyone celebrates Christmas, but refuses to call it what it is.  Don't get me wrong, I whole-heartedly applaud the celebration of Christmas -- I even sport a lapel button which says, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" -- but why oh why can we not call it Christmas?  Last time I checked, December 25th was actaully Christmas Day.  Why is that so offensive?  If you're not a Christian great, but please let those of us who are have one lousy day. 

"As new Canadians, we are trying to adjust and adapt to our new environment and traditions.  We have a lot to learn and some new Canadians have to forget the practices so common in their former homelands and adapt to the Canadian way of life," Ladha writes.  I would certainly agree.  I mean, let's not stone women to death in the public thoroughfare or kill them if they expose a millimetre of skin.

"It would be appropriate to send a message of goodwill and make a wish this Christmas that Canadians of all religions should live in peach and harmony, while practising their different faiths," he continues. 

Christianity is a religion of peace.  Let's embrace December 25th for once as Christmas.     

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