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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Debtors' prison

That's where we'll be heading with yet another trip by B to the US.  Unfortunately for us, his grandchildren live there and more unfortunately, we have been unable to fly them here for a visit.  For one reason or another, they never seem to be able to get here, which is a shame because to them, Grandpa is some old guy who schleps into town every now and then from.........who knows where?  Some place called "Calgary" in some other place called "Canada".  They have no idea of our life here in one of the most beautiful places on earth. 

There are no Rocky Mountains in Houston. 

Over the years, we have spent an estimated $25,000 after-tax dollars (which means we had to earn $50 K) to visit his daughter, her husband and their children in the US.  That's a sh-t-load of money and when you consider the dismal exchange rate sits at around 30%, it now costs $1.30 to buy one US dollar.  Scandalous.  And obviously, money spent on getting there means we can't do much of anything else.  So, I sit and stew looking at four walls and snow banks.  And I'm not including trips to Spain and Calgary when I do the math.

But that's the price exacted for B to have a relationship with his grands and them to have one with him.  Having had very involved grandparents for my kids and step-kids, I know how valuable such relationships are; that's why we moved to Calgary.  Not to be egotistical, but I think it a real loss they do not know me because I have a lot to offer children.  Heck, not just children, but most people with whom I interact.  But alas, it is not to be because, a) we really can't afford the airfare for both of us to fly there and, b) because I find I have nothing in common with that part of the world and the people who inhabit it.

Let's face it, there are Americans and then there are Texans.  While a few of the former might have a clue where Canada is, the latter haven't.  They have a concept of Canada, but don't really give a toss about anyplace except Texas.  Canadians are viewed as a quaint curiosity by the average Texan, who also regards Canada as a commie country.  And as for the affluent women I have met there?  Think 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta', only white.

While I fully and proactively support his visits, and am usually the one who suggests them, I don't have to like the situation.  It's all very frustrating, but as I always say, it's not cancer, Nancy, so shut up.      

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