MacDonald, the founding Father of Confederation and first PM of Canada, was a giant -- a visionary from a tiny country who actually imagined the impossible creation of a huge nation from sea to sea before anyone could even have conceived of such a notion. Without MacDonald, there would be no Canada because this country would have inevitably been annexed by the US.
First crazies pushed for -- and won -- the changing of the name of the "Langevin Block" to the meaningless "Prime Minister's Office" and now they're going after MacDonald. And just for good measure, they next have George Cornwallis in their sights. What's next, book burning? Why not denigrate the parents who raised them? Absolutely shameful.
Sadly, this is all about natives and their desire to perpetuate the schools issue, Colonialism and the flogging of the inept "missing women" inquiry -- which, by the way, isn't going too well, thanks to its infighting native leadership.
Natives were among the most brutal and warring peoples anywhere, something completely overlooked by all-and-sundry. Take the Iroquois. In 1649, they massacred the Huron, leaving the latter a pitiful group of a few hundred of the more than 30,000 they had been before the brutality. Twelve hundred of them also tortured and murdered the Jesuit priests who had come to educate and convert, tearing out fingernails and sparing no body part, according to recorded eye witnesses. The Huron were decimated because the French refused to sell them conventional weapons, backing the Iroquois instead.
It was end of a people and its culture. Any mention of this anywhere? No.
Canadian history is being denied and erased by people who know nothing and will continue to be by those not even born yet if this PC nonsense continues. It has to stop.
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