So I called the desk to have someone come and clean it. They couldn't. We were then moved to another room and guess what?! Yep, another turded toilet! The guy who moved us hadn't even bothered to check! Even were it a 'Motel 6' or 'Holiday Inn', I would still not have expected that, but at $600 a night!! Forget about it. Finally, they put us in a suite with two bathrooms and the concierge had finally actually checked the bowls first. All good, but seriously, how can the Chateau Lake Louise have old, soiled toilets!!??!!
The rest of the mini-vacation was lovely, but true to form, I did not take one step outside in this winter-wonderland. The bars and restaurants were perfect for me, as I sat and watched Asians stumbling around the lobby in ski boots and poles. That's right, they walked around digging ski poles into beautiful carpet! They even kept their helmets on! OMG! "So, do you think they do that at their own homes?" I asked a server. "Probably not," he replied, "But we can't say anything to them."
Obviously, I could never work there.
And eat! The Brits are the worst. It's back-to-the-breakfast-buffet countless times and really quite disgusting. I guess they figure that at $32 a pop, they better load up.
Anyway, it's God's Country and quite breathtaking.
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