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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Fat, ugly and hideous shoes

Waiting at the Calgary airport with grandson for his plane to take off, I was stunned by the number of "the above".  OMG!  If ever there were an incentive to keep pounding the lanes at the Y, this was it.  Why don't people buy new jeans when they are spilling out of the ones they insist on wearing?  Guts hanging over belts, ugly shorts, too-short skirts for large a--es, hair hanging, midriffs bulging, cracks went on and on and on. 

Not that I'm any raving beauty, but come on people, get real.  It's time to face the music and shop.

And it wasn't limited to bodies.  No, shoes have become uglier and uglier.  Only saw one woman with a great pair of heels the whole time.  As I always say, shoes make the outfit; the wrong shoes and an ugly outfit gets uglier.  The right shoes and a so-so outfit can be elevated instantly.  Picture a pair of jeans (on a slim-ish woman) paired with sneakers.  Now picture the same jeans anchored with a pair of high-heeled sandals.  Completely different look. 

Anyway, the Banff Springs Hotel also has its share of bums these days.  Took grandson there the other day and it seems "wife beater" shirts are all the rage.  There we were, in a very expensive hotel having lunch, when I glanced over to see Mr. Don Juan with the most inappropriate outfit I'd seen in a while.  Here he is:

The waiter was dressed well, because this is part of the same chain as London's Savoy, but this guy?!  Whoa!  And don't 'ya just love the hat-on-backwards look?!!  Our sons stopped this nonsense when they were in their teens. 

Oh dear, my time has come and gone.  And when I think of my dear mother having to endure this.....................................

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