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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

This is untitled because I am so enraged.  Can't think of a title that would help?!  Here we have some poor schlep arrested by the RCMP for moving illegal blockades from tracks or roadways so he could get through illegal barricades.

And they arrest this law-abiding citizen and molly-coddle the criminal natives!?!?!?  OMG!?!?

Native after native after Indian is on the airwaves saying that they only obey Indigenous laws.  Whaaaat!!??  There is no such thing in Canadian society as Indigenous Law.  Maybe on the reserves, but in the rest of Canada, it doesn't exist.  Indian reserves are on Crown Land given them for their exclusive use.  It is not "unceded territory", as they claim.  It's Crown Land!

To hear all the Indian female and male hysterics raving on about the whole mess and claiming they are right -- after the courts have said they aren't -- is outrageous.  How in Gawd's name did Pam Palmeter get a law degree and a PhD?!  She is also a professor of something-or-other.  Completely ignorant about the Rule of Law and the Canadian Constitution.  Frankly, why does the government bow to these criminals?  They neither identify as "Canadian", nor vote, so who cares?!

I am so sick of it.  Here they are:


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