.....are stuck at home climbing walls and chewing on furniture, Trudeau has permitted a thousand refugees to waltz into this country willy-nilly. Why? Because they will vote Liberal. All you need is an address and photo ID and you can vote. Obviously, you can tell I am not in favour of this approach because I believe one should have to be a citizen to vote. But that's not the Liberal way, as we all know.
The other photo I'd like to share reflects one of my many pet peeves:
I had this published in 'The Calgary Herald' today:
Universal, subsidized daycare was first promoted when I hadn't yet had my first. I had a very good job in Toronto at Du Pont of Canada and wanted to start a family, so at a company cocktail party, I gingerly approached Bob Richardson, then president, and told him I thought in-house daycare would be an innovative benefit to provide employees. I envisioned wonderful and widespread publicity about how progressive and forward-thinking Du Pont was, a trail-blazer etc., etc. He actually snorted, scoffed, turned on his heel and rudely walked away. Obviously, he had a wife at home who handled all the bothersome stuff such as annoying children, so didn't give a rat's ass about women who wanted to keep advancing in their careers.
Somehow, thanks to a hodgepodge solutions, ranging from grandparents to neighbours, to live-in nannies, to daycare, to after-four programs -- you name it -- I managed to keep working while raising two children and two step-children. This is where I remind you that B and I supported nine people: Ourselves, four children, two delinquent ex's -- one of whom we actually had to pay monthly! -- and a nanny.
So, to all you women using child-care as an excuse to sit on your well-educated asses, I say: I'm not buying it.
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