Now we learn that a certain general had been having an affair for 20 years with a certain female major and had even fathered two of her children! Hitherto, I was under the impression that he had been engaged to this woman and that the affair had been consenual (See "Here's what I don't get," March 24/21).
It now turns out he had been married all along. It also turns out he denied the children, paid no support, but kept up with the affair under the nose of his lawyer wife. (There's a "hahahaha" touch for you; she'll certainly have lots of fun taking him to the legal cleaners.) We also discover from her testimony, that the major said he told her to lie and that he had the minister under control, so no worries there, wink-wink-nudge-nudge.
What do they say? Hell hat no fury like a woman scorned and this woman is vomiting her fury all over the parliamentary table, where she has been so eloquently testifying. However, the fact that she has eight children and is a single mother did round out the picture for me. In my mind, this was an insecure woman, who had a bunch of children with a bunch of men, who the general considered some kind of inconsequential tramp he could call up whenever he had a few minutes for a quickie just to relieve the tension of all that senior military intrigue and work. I mean, you know how stressful that kind of toil is.
Of course, he retired just before she popped up, thus ensuring he secured his HUGE pension. Good thing because he'll need it to hand over the lawyers he will have to pay to fight his wife. What did I just say? Hell hath no fury like.......You get the picture.
When I was young and working with MPs on the Hill, I've lost count of the numbers who would regularly hit on me. In fact, I worked for one right up until I gave birth, but the minute I was back from maternity leave, he pounced. You'd think he would have practiced a little restraint, knowing I was a new mother and all that. But no, any young, attractive female in the office was fair game and it was always open season. Let me tell you it was a delicate balancing act keeping your job, yet not pissing the boss off to the point where he fired you for not putting out. The fact that I was a good speech writer was the only thing that saved me from the trash heap. My words made even the dumbest of them sound intelligent.
So, that's my take on the whole sordid mess. As they say, there's nothing new under the sun and 'twas ever thus.
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