The army. Trudeau, in his infinite ignorance, stated right up front that he will not call in the army to take Ottawa back from the lawless siege in which it is now entrapped.
That was dumb. How else is he going to restore law and order, with Sloly now throwing up his hands and admitting he can't do it. He has even resorted to the excuse that his officers are "over-worked and exhausted". So what?! They have to do their jobs and Sloly must be removed as chief by the police board immediately. But, of course, that won't happen because the board is so "woke" it will NEVER remove a Black from his/her high-profile post.
So, the impasse continues with Trudeau refusing to negotiate (way too late for that anyway), the truckers saying they won't leave until their ludicrous demands and manifesto are agreed to (that'll never happen either) and the police going back into hiding.
Time for the army. Anita Anand, are you listening?
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