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Friday, July 1, 2022

Three groups

That's who's ruined Canada Day:  The natives, the trucker convoy gang and Quebec.  These three groups don't like Canada Day and are determined to undermine it.  

In Moose Cree First Nation, along the shores of James Bay, the chief and council had designated July 1 as a day of mourning.  Yep, you read that right.  And it's all because of the "thousands (really?!) of children who were murdered (really?!) at residential schools."  At least 80 municipalities have also cancelled festivities across the country and many have held "#CancelCanada-Day" events instead of celebrating this great country.  In Winnipeg, natives have piled on and toppled statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.  In Thunder Bay, the city fathers have decided to skip fireworks and focus on a reconciliation theme.  Victoria desecrated:

"For many Indigenous Peoples, Canada Day is not a time of celebration, but a reminder of our country's colonial past and ongoing challenges," the city's website states.  Vancouver is also dropping its waterfront fireworks show and has re-branded the whole mess "Canada Together".  

Not to be outdone, urban-Toronto-raised "expert" on everything native, Tanya Talaga, has penned a damning column today in 'The Globe and Mail' about the Pope's upcoming visit, demanding he arrive with "precious artifacts" given as gifts to the Vatican a hundred years ago so they can be returned to "our communities".  Downtown Toronto, Tanya?  "The sight of these precious objects gutted me," moans Tanya.  "One of the First Nations youth delegates told me it was 'like seeing a relative you haven't seen in a long time'."  Frankly, I doubt a teen was this observant and articulate, but Tanya said so, so that's that.

"Many of us are still on a journey of reclamation and, as such, the leader of the Church is on his way here to Canada to seek redemption," she adds.  What's she trying to reclaim?  As I said, she was born and raised in Toronto; no "sacred artifacts" were stolen from her living room.  Talk about "cultural appropriation" by whites, Talaga is one of the most prominent culprits on that file.

I'm getting sick of the predictable Ms. Talaga.

And the trucker convoys are journeying to Ottawa to protest....everything.  And as for Quebec, it long ago abandoned Canada Day in favour of a St. Jean Baptiste celebration.  So, to these groups who declare war on Canada I say, head off to the Ukraine and fight.  That's where a real war is taking place.  Don't decry Canada while you live here and make a lot of money.  Stand where you sit.

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