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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

He can make me cry

Watched the 'George and Tammy' series the other day and while it was good, the singing of the two actors who played them didn't hold a candle to the real thing.  Taking in an old video of the real George Jones yesterday singing actually made me cry.  His voice is so haunting and the way he strings out a note or word is so gorgeous.

I have always been a huge fan of Tammy Wynette, but Jessica Chastain, although great in the part, also could not hold a candle to the the real Wynette voice.  Tammy's had a sort of a catch in it that tugged at your heart strings.  And that range and power!  Wow.  I went to one of her live shows in the seventies in Ottawa and was blown away.  Here they are in happier times.  If you can watch the series, do.


I wonder what my new sisters and brother think of me, now that they have access to my blog and are finding out what I think and what I am made of.  These new siblings are an accomplished bunch.  One is an emergency room physician, another a nurse practitioner, another an OBGyn, two are occupational therapists, someone else a psychiatric nurse, another a Phys Ed teacher and another works in drug recovery.  Funnily enough, I always wanted to be a doctor, but my mother discouraged it, telling me instead to be a nurse and marry a doctor.  You can imagine how that went over.  

I don't know how my relationship with this new family will work out.  Will it flourish, or will it fade?  So far, I have only heard from two sisters, one niece, a cousin and an ex-sister-in-law; the cousin the only one who phoned to chat in person.  The reunion with my maternal family fizzled fairly quickly because Shirley had died a year before I had found her, had had no other children and hence had produced no maternal half-siblings.  And the other relatives?  They either hadn't known about me, or didn't really care.  

Nevertheless, I welcome finally knowing the truth and relish the genetic connection I now have to other blood kin.  Thank you, DNA    

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