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Monday, January 2, 2023

Some people just can't go away

I often say, "Why doesn't that person just go away or die."  I know this is a terrible thing to utter, but it's true in many cases.  

For example, B has an old friend who crashed our family-only wedding a number of years ago.  RH (or whatever her name is, now that she is married yet again) happened to be dating my cousin when we renewed our vows in the Catholic Church.  He was invited, but she wasn't because it was strictly family.  What did she do?  She "just happened" to be having dinner at the Royal Ottawa Golf Club at the same time as we were enjoying our wedding dinner in an upstairs private room.

"Oh gee!" she exclaimed.  "What a surprise!"  And with that she crashed the party.  Haven't felt the same about her since.

Of course, I used to say that all the time about B's ex, who never stopped bugging us the entire time we lived in Ottawa.  Little notes would be sent through his children with "Kindness S----" written on the envelope containing yet another plaint or demand.  The poor kid, being the messenger, usually had to listen to our wrath until one day, I dropped the latest missal unopened back onto her front porch.  That ended the notes.  Finally.

In another instance, I was trapped at a cocktail party listening to the dreary, tiresome has-been Elizabeth May.  Gawd, what an ordeal!  She droned on and on and on and on until my bladder pleaded for relief and I finally escaped.  To this day, when I see her on TV, my thoughts return to that moment.  But she's another one who just won't go away.  I mean, what is she doing hogging the doomed Green leadership reins while the latest sap tries to find his/her way in the chair?

Just go away.

This same thought came to me while watching the never-ending coverage of the sad, drawn-out death of Pope Benedict.  Here's a guy who actually resigned as Pontiff , but just wouldn't go away.  He hung around the Vatican Palace for 10 boring years, being waited on head to foot and probably bugging a lot of people every day in the process.

The only Pope to have resigned in 600 years, Benedict just didn't have the grace to get out of the way.  Now poor Francis has to preside over an elaborate, four-day, lying-in-state, followed by a very lavish funeral you can bet.  Well, at least he finally had the grace to die.

I can only hope I don't find myself in the same state in a few years, with people saying, "Why doesn't she just die!"

Happy New Year! 



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