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Sunday, October 15, 2023

What were they doing there and let's talk Zionism

My question is, what were so many Canadians doing in Gaza living as permanent residents?  This always happens.  Canadians-of-convenience de-camp to Middle Eastern countries, such as Lebanon and Libya, and then want the taxpayer to evacuate them when some war or other inevitably breaks out.  Again.

There are now thousands of such "Canadians" wanting a ride back home at our expense.  Did they not know they were living in a powder keg just waiting to explode, as it has so many times for decades?  Rhetorical.

I am just as disgusted and appalled as anyone about the atrocities, but these residents must have known what could happen.  Now that it has, they're in a mess and we're the ones who have to bail them out.  Egypt, by the way, has refused to allow them to enter at its border with Gaza and frankly, I don't blame them.  

I asked a retired Canadian army official what he thought.  He compared it to a David and Goliath battle, with Hamas taking on the role of David to elicit sympathy for the  innocent civilians and Palestinians trapped in Gaza, being pulverized in retaliation by Goliath, i.e., Israel.  He believes Hezbollah will get involved and so will Iran, which is when this will become very serious for the entire Middle East.  

So, basically the region and the two-state solution is off the table -- thanks to Netanyahu's rigid policies which have kept Gaza's population walled-in and imprisoned for decades.  As I said, I'm surprised it has taken this long to explode.

Watch Gabor Maté on YouTube for an excellent explanation of what has happened.  A Jew, he blames Israel for its displacement and ghetto-izing of the residents of Gaza 45 years ago.  He says that for Israel to build a state, they had to kick thousands from their ancestral homes.  He also recounts the killing and torture of Palestinians by Israel, which has no equal, and the murder of 20,000 Lebanese during that war.

Israel has much blood on its hands, but this is Zionism, not Judaism.  That distinction must be very clear.  In fact, most Orthodox Jews are opposed to what is happening in Gaza.  They support the Palestinians and condemn Zionism, but Netanyahu is parading Judaism to mask his Zionism and people all over the world are buying it.

I'm not.   

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