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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Completely off the rails

Just caught a few seconds of a press conference Trudeau was giving on the handing of yet more billions to causes outside the constitution -- like housing, for example.  Subsidizing school lunches and issuing a 'Renters' Bill of Rights' also come to mind.  Couldn't watch the presser, because the sight of him turns my stomach, but I did catch enough to know that once again, he is widely overstepping federal jurisdiction.

For what?  For votes.  It won't work, of course, and his promises can't administratively be realized before he is booted out of office.  Thank G-d!  We are being turned into a third-world economic disaster that our grandchildren will be hobbled with.  Our Clown-in-Chief couldn't care less.  He's a multi-millionaire.

We are also pissing Americans off on an individual level.  B is down in Houston visiting his grands and says the anti-Canadian mood is definitely strong.  People he has met on previous occasions are now very cool to this Canadian man.  Our refusal to sped a measly two percent of GDP on defense spending, as all NATO member countries are required to do, is generating the belief that Canadians are mooching off other countries -- the US being the main one.

While Trudeau is handing billions to other countries, he has let 24 Sussex rot:  

The current, disgraceful state of the Official Home of the Prime Minister.

24 Sussex has been the national home of the Canadian prime minister since 1951, when Louis St. Laurent moved in, but it is now uninhabitable due to rodent infestations, asbestos and mold, so he lives across the road in Rideau Cottage. 

24 Sussex, Canada's official PM residence
His handlers, who've also completely lost the plot, have told him not to spend the estimated $18 million to fix it because of the housing crisis -- which, by the way, his ineptitude caused.  Can you imagine the US president letting the White House crumble?!  Or 10 Downing Street?!  Would never, ever happen, but here in Canada it has.
Rideau Cottage, the dump the PM brings worldwide leaders to.
Why not take a few million from useless aid to Haiti to cover it?  Jean Chrétien and Stephen Harper have volunteered to campaign a drive to get private-sector funding for the restoration.  How could this be objectionable?  Two former prime ministers, one Conservative, the other Liberal, have stepped forward to raise private -- not public -- money to cover it.

What did the PMO say to the offer?  No.  No explanation given, just No.

 As I said, Trudeau and his cronies are completely off the rails.  Nothing they do is for the betterment of our once-envied country.  It's all about votes.

Shame, shame.  

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