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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Forties "Scoop"

So, the latest law suit natives have been on about is the "Sixties Scoop", when native children were taken from their dysfunctional and/or abusive families and placed with other Canadians.  Now, these people are suing the Canadian Government for millions because they were "deprived" of their heritage.

What heritage? Abuse, neglect, poverty?


I was part of the "forties scoop", when illegitimate children born out of wedlock were adopted by families wanting unable to have their own.  Thank God I was taken from my birth mother and reared by the wonderful people who were my parents. 

Should I sue the Ontario government and claim I was a victim of the "forties scoop"?  The "culture" I was deprived of was one of white trash.  My grandmother ran a boarding house and was on relief.  Her mother was a native from the Tyendinaga Reserve.  What a disaster that would have been!  My other relatives worked on a production line for DuPont of Canada.  Thanks to the "forties scoop", when I was adopted out and reared by fabulous people. 

Should I sue?     

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