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Wednesday, February 1, 2017


The problem must have been with the screening process that allowed this female to be hired as a police officer when she was obviously unfit for the job.  Today, she resigned publically in tears.

It was pathetic.

She claimed bullying, sexual harassment, nepotism and ostracization for her problems.  I was not sympathetic, as I watched her cry on camera.  If you join a fire or police department, be prepared to enter a male-centric environment.  Don't cry, buck up and lean in.  In fact, every working environment I ever entered had hitherto been male-centric and every one was replete with men who came onto women.  It was sexual harassment at every turn.  So what?!   

I just said no.  Sometimes.

Watching this woman cry and resign was a disgrace to those of us who always stood up and got the job done.  By the way, we also earned lots of money doing it.   


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