Really? Why? Just because they're women? How dumb. You would think Campbell would hide at home, after her dismal performance as PM. And Notley! She has totally ruined Alberta's economy with her carbon tax fiasco and her inability to get pipelines approved.
Before Denis Coderre cancelled the Pipeline East project, Notley should have got off her a-- and enlisted Brad Wall in a PR media offensive in Montreal, meeting publically with Coderre, holding press conferences and going on talk shows to point out how Alberta holds -- or rather held -- Canada together financially. She should have talked transfer payments, she should have talked about foreign oil, she should have talked about how pipelines are far safer than rail -- Lac Megantic anyone? But she sat in Edmonton and did nothing. Had I been advising her, as I did executives of DuPont and IBM when I worked for those companies, that's exactly what I would have told her. She should have taken the initiative and embarrassed Coderre with numbers and facts.
But shamelessly she didn't. She let Coderre set the agenda. Pathetic.
So here's Rachel, looking like a thrilled, giggling school girl on her first date with the irrelevant has-been Kim -- a couple of women who should never have been elected to anything:
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