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Friday, October 20, 2017

The Mess Canada is in

Well, Naheed Nenshi was re-elected mayor of Calgary -- much to the despair of many, including me.  Initially, his arrogance caused voters to jump to Bill Smith -- a money guy who would not utter a word of policy or whisper a promise.  But so desperate were Calgarians to rid ourselves of the odious Nenshi that we were prepared to hold our noses and vote for anyone but.

Sadly, this backfired because when ethnic voters, who vote as a block (as black Americans did for Obama), noticed their boy slipping badly, they all came out in droves and the ego-on-a-skateboard squeaked in.  People were shocked and disappointed, but did this humble His Worship?  Not on your life.  When interviewed by Don Martin on CTV the very next day about the voting system fiasco that resulted in insufficient ballots and hour-long lineups at many polling stations, he claimed no responsibility and actually added that people should be happy they were actually able to vote at all.  Afterall, he pointed out, in many countries people die trying to vote.  OMG!  So, we should all be grateful we at least lived through voting day?  Hey, this is not South Africa or some other corrupt country, this is Canada and the process was a manually-run disaster.

Basically, the vote divided among those who wanted a new arena (Bill Smith's gang) and those who wanted to keep an ethnic mayor, but weren't sure about an arena because the incumbent didn't really come clean about his position (Nenshi's bunch).  I fell into the camp who couldn't vote for either, so threw away my vote on the decent Andre Chabot, who finished a far distant third.   

So it's "let them eat cake" and back to the trough!  In other words, business as usual for the mayor.

The other mess is the Morneau/Trudeau tax reform debacle and Morneau's "villa-gate".  It appears both Trudeau and his sidekick were wearing Hans Christian Andersen's 1837 suits of "The Emperor's New Clothes" and had no idea the serfs would see through their scheme.  Duh?!  They also ignored Abraham Lincoln's lesson that, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

Neither is fit to govern and neither has any political instincts about what the "great unwashed" are thinking on Main Street.  Just ask poor old Bev Oda, who had to resign over a $16 glass of orange juice.  Up with that Canadians will not put. 

The only thing to do is to fire Morneau, or ask him to resign.  Blaming the inept Ethnics Commissioner (and remind me to ask why exactly we need one, if politicians claim to be unimpeachable.  Oh ya, they're not) cannot fly and she cannot possibly asked to resign at this point.  In fact, no government can ever fire an ethics commissioner -- even if the guy/gal is starkers.

But Morneau will neither be fired, nor resign and thus the media will continue to hound the issue, enabling Trudeau to confirm he has neither guts, nor leadership.

And let's talk about Gerald Butts' role in this.  Butts, the PM's right-hand -- or should I say left-footed -- chief of staff -- is the guy who pulls the twisted and snapping strings on Trudeau.  He's also the guy who guided disgraced ex-Ontario Premier Dalton McGinty's political missil right into the ground.  Unfortunately, the premier took the province with him.  You can thank Butts for your hydro rates because he was the guy advising the wretched and doomed McGinty to close nuclear power plants and champion wind.  Insanity reigned there.  And to think Harvard hired McGinty as a professor!  Remind me never to go there.

One last thing:  When did the word "challenge" start replacing "problem"?  I have a real "problem" when anyone says, "Our challenge there is.....", when they really mean, "Our problem there is....."  If you look both up in the Oxford Dictionary they are not synonyms, but it must be PC to use "challenge" in case anyone is offended being called a "problem".


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