So, Notley has finally quit playing cutsie/footsie with Trudeau and is literally climbing on the cow catcher to get oil moving. There she was yesterday, declaring the oil price disaster a crisis which had to be acted upon "now". What in Gawd's name has she been doing for the past three years while everything here went for a sh-t?! Did you just look up and notice we are effed?
Frankly, it's too late -- for both her and the industry. Jason Kenney is hard on her heels and gaining and he knows how to deal with Ottawa. She obviously has no clue, having fiddled around with the vacant Trudeau far too long. As a "feminist", you'd think he'd be thrilled to work with a female premier and energy minister, to name a few of the women running this province.....into the ground.
But the equation is simple: Alberta gets the shaft because very few people vote Liberal. And because they don't, we get the shaft. It's as simple as that. No votes no pipelines. No pipelines no votes.
By the way, Trudeau is no more a "feminist" than the most dedicated male chauvinist pig you can think of. All his female appointments are tokens and most are in the wrong jobs because of it. Climate Barbie heads my list of incompetents, but there are many others. The way he treats women in photo ops makes it obvious he looks down on them, just as did the father who raised him. Tudeau senior viewed Margaret as a uterus for procreation....but don't get me started on the pathetic Margaret, a disgrace to her gender. Women in my cohort were the real feminists, paving the way for those who followed to be allowed to have children and get back to work. We didn't all burn bras -- never a winning strategy in my view. We pushed forward with employers and governments and succeeded.
How hard is that to figure out? The scary part is that idiotic, vacuous Trudeau and his unoccupied brain are polling ahead of Andrew Scheer. The Conservatives should have voted Bernier as leader because he would at least have stirred the pot with fervour. But no, they opted for Scheer who in fact looks and acts like a Pollyanna in spite of the mess in which he is standing. As B's grandfather used to say, "That poor chap stepped right in it."
Oh me, oh my. All I can say is thank G-d for my pension.
Monday, December 3, 2018
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