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Saturday, June 29, 2019

An Ego on a Skateboard

That's an expression B coined and it applies often  -- especially in the case of our mayor, the out-of-control Naheed Nenshi.  First he announces huge tax increases to business because so much of downtown Calgary is empty. 

Businesses went wild!  So council hastily retreated and started making cuts.  If they could suddenly find money, why didn't they?  Just because.  Now His Worship is ordering elected council members to not touch his budget.  "I made it very clear that council ought not to engage in that kind of behaviour (i.e., actually having the nerve to suggest where cuts could be made).  But sometimes politicians will be politicians and sometimes they'll be looking for a little headline or a little personal gratification.  But the point is these are tough decisions.  Grandstanding doesn't help anybody," he arrogantly announced.

Are you kidding?  He is now telling councillors they can't suggest cuts -- regardless of the fact that they have been elected to help run the city.  They might as well just stay home.  The mayor, by the way, has only one vote, but is acting like Napoleon as he runs Calgary into the ground.  It's outrageous.  Nobody is a bigger -- literally -- grandstander than this mayor.  "It's important to execute the cuts and for councillors to accept what is put on the table," he had the gall to pronounce.

The guy needs to go.  But sadly, he will probably get in again because all the ethnics vote en block for the guy because he dog-whistles the race card and they all fall for it.  No one is thinking in any way, shape or form.

Speaking of goings-on in Calgary, the "society" page (I put it in quotes because there really isn't any in this town) in The Herald featured an entire page about the 80th birthday of local harridan Ann McCaig.  She either owns The Herald, or pays the editor to feature her every effing Saturday because she is always in there with her mug hanging out.  I got so sick of it about a year ago, I wrote an email to the guy begging him to allow us just one week without her puss plastered all over the page. 

Didn't work.  So obviously money is behind it.  And by the way, she has never earned any that I know of.  She buried her rich husband and now swans around town spending his fortune.  The birthday party she threw for herself was for 600 people!  Six hundred!  And to think, we weren't invited!  Ha.      

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