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Monday, June 3, 2019


Apparently, shoe king Christian Louboutin got his red-sole idea from a bottle of nail polish.  Experimenting in a factory one day, Louboutin spied an assistant's bottle of red nail polish and decided to blot out the usual black sole with a bright colour.  So he painted the sole with nail polish and presto!  He became a rich designer because he patented the red sole.  So, when you wear red-soled shoes everyone knows they're Louboutin's and knows how much you paid for them.


As you know, I love shoes and I love my high heels.  "The woman carries the clothes, but the shoes?  They carry the woman," said Louboutin.  Could not agree more.  Shoes change an entire outfit.  A pair of jeans with sneakers is a completely different look than a pair with high-heeled sandals or heels.  The former is the gym; the latter evening wear. 

It's all in the shoes.

"The shoe is a pedestal.  But these little things on your feet are also making you a different person in a lot of ways," he says.  "It's affecting the entire silhouette and the way you're going to walk and move."  People obsess over their shoes.  I'm one of them.

The real Louboutin deal

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