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Monday, February 22, 2021

Just a tad behind

While the US is vaccinating one million people a day, Canada is vaccinating the equivalent of about two.  To see the likes of Anita Anaud, et al, bragging and trumpeting the 400,000 doses here and the 125,000 there, you'd think we were in top shape!  

We're not and everyone knows it.  I often contact a doctor/geneticist acquaintance in Ontario and ask him questions about COVID.  The other day he sent me this response:

"Wild conspiracy theories aside, the amount of money to be made from vaccines is enormous.  Any low-cost, low-tech treatments aimed at prevention of infection (I was referring to the quick and cheap nasal spray that has not been -- and will not be -- approved) will be drowned at birth.  

"Look at Gates.  He has a ton of money invested in vaccines and now he is crowing that people might need a third dose plus a yearly round of vaccines like the flu shots.  People need to close their ears to anything that man says.  Ditto the WHO and their "fearless" leader.

"And you're right.  This simply is not a deadly virus except in a very specific class of people.

"In other news, I am mortified as I watch what's going on in the US.  They will be lucky if their kids EVER get to go back to school.

"I never would have believed that people would stand by and simply let their children's lives be destroyed."


So, that's one doctor's position and I respect it.  We, my friends, are living in a police state -- make no mistake.  

Another glaring fact concerns the number of incompetents running Canada's "health" care system with blood on their hands who have not been fired.  Obviously, Tam leads the pack, but "procurement" minister Anita Anaud might be on an incompetence par:

  • Theresa Tam, Canada's chief "medical" officer of "health" on the take from the WHO who did nothing while we were all preparing to die.  Not fired.
  • Patty Hadju, Federal health minister.                                         Not fired.
  • John Haggie, Newfoundland's minister of health.                     Not fired.
  • James Aylward, Prince Edward Island's minister of health.      Not fired.
  • Randy Delorey, Nova Scotia's minister of health.                     Not fired.
  • Dorothy Shephard, New Brunswick's minister of health.         Not fired.
  • Christian Dube, Quebec's minister of health.                            Not fired.
  • Christine Elliot, Ontario's minister of health.                           Not fired.
  • Heather Stefanson, Manitoba's minister of health.                   Not fired.
  • Paul Merriman, Saskatchewan's minister of health.                 Not fired.
  • Tyler Shandro, Alberta's minister of health.                             Not fired.
  • Adrian Dix, B.C.'s minister of health.                                      Not fired.
Frankly, this is staggering to me.  If you add in all the provincial chief medical officers of health, you've got an awful lot of people who are still getting bags of our money, yet who are incompetent.  To think that in spite of all these highly-paid "experts", we sill have to call in the army to deal with the mess they have created is beyond comprehension.  In fact, today's 'Globe and Mail' has an article on page one outlining how a survey it conducted revealed just how disjointed and disorganized provincial vaccine recording information and delivery systems really are.

Some provinces reported they had not even enabled core pieces of the national Panorama data technology rolled out to gather information on who had been vaccinated, how to book appointments, who had had adverse reactions, etc.  Many are still using excel spreadsheets and paper and pen!  I mean, do you know how, when or where you will be vaccinated?  Exactly.  I certainly have no clue and neither does my doctor!      

One aspect that hits me is the influence of China on all this.  As I have blogged, Canada incomprehensibly partnered exclusively with China to develop, and rely on, vaccine development.  Tam at work again and Trudeau brilliantly ignoring the reality of the two Michaels fate while Meng Wanzhou was under arrest right here in Canada.  China is now actively trying to annex countries such as Taiwan, Korea and even India in its attempt to take over the world. 

They could easily come over the top of this country and invade and we'd be unable to do anything about it because our military equipment has been depleted and is down to a few cap guns and row boats.  But they are also killing off thousands and thousands of people, mainly our youth, by smuggling in drugs laced with fentanyl and other deadly opioids.  These are people who will never live to reproduce.  These are people who will effectively eliminate many, many others yet-to-be born.

Here's a typical example of needless drug deaths, these in a small town in Alberta not far from here.  On Saturday night, three people in their early twenties died instantly when they took such drugs.  It's all so sad.

People need to think about this.  It's terrifying because we're living in a police state and being frog-marched into compliance and isolation, with a crippled and ruined economy, thanks to their breathtaking incompetence.  

As I have said, my poor grandchildren.  

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