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Thursday, February 18, 2021

More insanity from Biden

That'll cost billions!  Biden is backing a bill......get study whether descendants of slaves should receive reparations.  How far will those descendants go back?  Four hundred and two years and millions and millions of people.

That's insane!  This little tidbit was hidden at the bottom of an inside page of 'The National Post' this morning, but I happened to spot it.  Doing a triple take, I realized that probably half of all Americans are descended from slaves on both, or one, sides of their families.  What's next?  Why not go right back to 1492, when Columbus discovered the place.  Bet there were lots of slaves manning those ships.

He's getting more like Trudeau with every passing day, apologizing and throwing money at every group who feels offended every five minutes.  If you don't believe me, here it is...........


More stupidity from the Liberals.  They are introducing a bill to eliminate minimum sentences for some crimes in an effort to strike a better balance of race and culture in prisons.  Now, natives and Blacks are incarcerated in far greater numbers than they represent in the general population, so they figure that by eliminating minimum sentences for the offenses committed by natives and Blacks, their numbers will go down.    

In other words, natives and others will get a pass on crimes and not face jail time just to get their numbers down.  How the eff does that make any sense?!  In my world, if you do the crime, you do the time -- regardless of race or culture.  Of course, this being the Liberals, it all makes perfect sense.  


Another word about Julie Payette.  Apparently, while the government was paying "consultants" $400,000 to study the workplace at Rideau Hall, she was using tax dollars to pay two law firms to fight the investigation.  And how much did we fork out for this?  $250,000!  First of all, the $400,000 wasn't necessary.  All they need to have done was make a couple of phone calls (see 'A couple of phone calls would have done it', Jan. 26/20)  So, that's $650,000 right there wasted.  And mark my words, she's not done yet.  Next she'll be suing for "wrongful" dismissal.

If I were younger, I would run for office.  


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