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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Nobody more charming

I was shocked to read of Bryan Watson's death in 'The Globe and Mail' yesterday.  Bryan captured my heart in the summer of 1966, when we dated.  I was taking a summer course at Carleton, because I had failed 'Earth Sciences', and Bryan was hanging around looking to meet young ladies.  For some reason, he set his sights on me.

This was odd because I was not the long-blonde-haired-chick type most hockey players always go for.  I had very short, brown hair and small ta-tas.  Nevertheless, we connected and I had the most fabulous summer of my life.

I was 20, he 24.  Back then, professional hockey players had money, but not the kind they have now.  Bryan had a red, Firebird convertible, which he let me drive so I could get to my summer job at Tunney's Pasture, while he played golf all day.  Then, exhausted, I would go home and flop into bed because we had been out in Hull 'til 2 a.m!  Undeterred, Bryan would show up the next evening and charm my mother, who would come up to my bedroom and say, "Dear, Bryan is downstairs.  He wants you to go out this evening."  Guess what?  I always went because he was so persuasive and charming.

He was also ugly because he had been an NHL defenceman before the era of helmuts and face masks.  His nose was off to one side, scars everywhere and false teeth.  (Google him) The obituary described him as "diminutive, feisty and fearless" and I guess at 5 foot 9 and 175 pounds he was, compared to the beasts playing the game today.  When I dated him, he was with the Habs, but he subsequently played for many other teams in both the NHL and WHL.  He ended up buying and running a restaurant outside Washington and, sadly, I never saw him again.

But he was so charming.  And a complete gentleman.

After I had moved to Toronto in 1968, he called me to say he wanted to come over.  I was thrilled!  I thought he wanted to resume our romance, but I was wrong.  Always the gentlemen, he came to tell me he was going to marry Lindy, his high school sweetheart, because he had to.  I was crestfallen, but they stayed married for 53 years; bravo to them.  

So, farewell to Bryan Watson, a wonderful guy!


P.S.  I also dated Brian Smith, another NHLer the next summer.  So sad he was murdered.  What was it with me and NHLer's??  Ah well, great memories!


Dear Diary

Well, the last time we chatted I was writing about the abominable Christmas we spent with B's son and his girlfriend.  That was almost four years ago, when she announced her oven had broken and her mother had to serve deviled eggs for dinner.  I thought her oven had just broken that day, but no, it had been on-the-blink for seven months.  Seven months!  What a fiasco!  The girlfriend (Carrie Cole, fb her) sat making love to her pitcher of martinis and did nothing.  It was appalling and we eventually fled to Perkin's Restaurant for Christmas dinner.  (See "Apropos of Nothing," June 25, 2021)

Well, joy oh joy!  Scott called yesterday and started to apologize for their abusive behavior.  I was hopeful, but guess what?  They were both drunk.  Again.  So it didn't take long for the abuse to rev up.  Again.  She grabbed the phone and called me, and I quote, "a she devil with a smut mouth.  You're white trash and a squaw".  Wow, an insult to upstanding and respectable native women everywhere.    


They both need a program.

I feel very bad for B because we have given Scott everything.  His weakness is his achilles heel.  It has led to the loss of a father who loved him dearly.  


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Lynn Beyak is not alone

 When former senator Lynn Beyak was vilified and drummed out of the Senate for saying that some children who went to residential schools actually benefitted from the education they received, I was perplexed.

I mean, Phil Fontaine and others said the same thing.  And would they have achieved what they achieved had they not gone to school?  Frankly, no.  And why are they all called "survivors"?  Most were actually graduates.  

But now there is only one response to residential schools:  They were evil, murderous places where native children were abused, murdered, buried and hidden in forgotten graves.  This is nonsense.  But this false narrative will continue because....well.....just because.

Manitoba premier Brian Pallister said that settlers came to Canada to build, not destroy.  Boy, did he get it in the neck!  His Indigenous minister resigned immediately and was replaced by a Metis who, in his first press conference, actually had the gall to say that residential schools were established to help natives learn to live in a wider society, which included settlers.  

In the middle of his first press conference, the words hardly out of his mouth, the poor guy was interrupted and heckled by Wab Kinew, the leader Manitoba's official opposition, who berated him by saying everything about residential schools was evil.  

This is why natives will never get anywhere.  They "get their money for nothin' and their chicks for free" and thus have all the time in the world to focus on their one agenda:  Repression.

Getting a little old.   

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Need to re-name them

 The Public Health Agency of Canada needs to be re-named the 'Public Death Agency of Canada'.  And while we're at it, Patti Hadju should be called the Minister of "Death" -- along with all her provincial colleagues.    

For how long and how often have I been saying Theresa Tam should have been fired, charged and jailed long ago?  Now we have another report confirming she should have been given the boot for this horrendous lack of due diligence, but of course, she won't be.  Chaired by Margaret Bloodworth (a very competent public servant I knew as a colleague on various inter-departmental committees), the panel's report says that Canada left the door open to this deadly pandemic because of non-existent risk assessment and a zero pandemic early warning system.

Great job Tam!  You've got the blood of more than 26,000 Canadians on your idle hands.

Everything that could have gone wrong did and yet she keeps her job!  The report is very long, but basically says Canada completely blew it.  Women such as Tam and Hadju tarnish the reputations of those of us who actually did our jobs.  

Shame, shame.  


Monday, July 12, 2021

More unfortunate truth......

This truth must be told......I wonder if my status friends will share it?  Hmmmmm??

(p.s.  I might as well have written it, thanks to all the research I do -- unlike the lazy journalists who do none.)  P.S.  Everyone has bought into the popular narrative -- including the late Gord Downey, who wrote an entire CD about it.  All incorrect.  Wouldn't it be nice if people actually informed themselves?!


Canada’s sad Indian Residential School history is by now very familiar to Canadians, and it is increasingly being taught to our children in school. This is both necessary and proper. A caring and compassionate society should know its history, warts and all.

But the history that is being taught needs to be accurate.

And the IRS story entering classrooms is not accurate at all.

Take, for example, the now very well-known story of Chanie (Charlie) Wenjack. He was the unhappy Indigenous boy who supposedly ran away from the Residential School he was attending after suffering physical and sexual abuse from Roman Catholic priests and nuns. This version of the Chanie story is the subject of a popular song, and appears as well in several books, CBC videos, and numerous articles. His story is very moving, and increasingly our nation’s children accept it as fact.

Except that it isn’t fact. It comes nowhere close to being the truth.

The fact is that Chanie Wenjack did not attend a Residential School. As reported by respected journalist and author, Robert MacBain (C2C Journal, Oct.2, 2017), Chanie attended a public school in Kenora, Ontario. At the request of his parents, he was being boarded at the Cecilia Jeffery Residence, a hostel which at one time had been a residential school, and was Presbyterian, not Roman Catholic. Colin Wasacase, a Cree/Saulteaux, was the hostel’s Administrator, and his wife was the Matron for the 150 children boarded there. By all accounts, this Indigenous couple was caring and compassionate towards all the children.

There is absolutely no evidence that Roman Catholic priests or nuns abused Chanie as implied in the song, books, and in the video about his life. There is no evidence that he had any contact at all with priests and nuns, much less abusive contact.

Chanie’s story is indeed a very sad one, but the fact that so many people have played fast and loose with its truth should greatly trouble Canadians.

What has been done with Chanie’s story typifies the types of distortion –– half truths, exaggerations, and misleading information –– that characterize so much of the Residential School story many Canadians now believe to be fact.

One often sees in respected publications such blanket statements as “Indigenous children were compelled to attend residential schools”, giving readers the impression that all, or at least a great majority, of Indigenous children attended Residential Schools.

This is not true.

As reported by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, about 150,000 children attended the schools during the entire history of their operation, between the 1870s and 1996. These children were drawn from the entire population of aboriginal people — status Indians, Inuit, non-status Indians, and Metis. But the 150,000 children represent only a small fraction of that total population, and a significant percentage of that number attended for only a few years.

And what about the great majority of children who did not attend an IRS? What was their life like?

In fact, most of those children received either very little or no education at all. That is one of the reasons Residential Schools came into existence in the first place –– often at the urging of progressive Indigenous leaders who were desperate for a means of educating their children –– because day schools were often not available on the sprawling reserves in the south, or in the hunting camps in the north.

Sitting in a classroom was alien to Indigenous cultures. The sighting of a moose in the area, or the running of the caribou, would cause schools to empty out for weeks or even for months at a time. Many Indigenous languages do not even have a term for formal education. The closest they come is the phrase “to sit”. So a parent bringing a child to a school to be educated was said to be bringing the child there “to sit”. The quality of the widely-separated federal day schools for native communities was not good, and most children on reserves received either a very poor education –– or no education at all.

The children who did not attend Residential Schools had very hard lives. Tuberculosis, smallpox, and scrofula carried off thousands of children. (The fact that children died from these diseases away from home at Residential Schools is very sad, but consistent with the grim mortality figures for all children – and particularly for Indigenous children at the time. It is also sad that so many died at home.)

And what about the sexual abuse that happened at the Residential Schools? The Residential School story has Canadians believing that teachers, supervisors, priests, and nuns were the villains.

There certainly were sexual predators in the Residential Schools. In any situation where children are vulnerable, there are likely to be such people. But the vast majority of the teachers, supervisors, priests, and nuns working in the schools were ordinary, decent people, who thought that they were helping to educate children who would otherwise not have received an education. Now all these people are being slandered by being lumped in with the relatively small percentage of predators. It should also be noted that many of the supervisors who worked directly with the children were, in fact, Indigenous.

However, the sexual abuse is not made up. Where did it come from?

The fact is that the overwhelming number of sexual assaults were almost certainly perpetrated by older students preying on younger ones. This worrying fact is mentioned in the TRC Report, and has been a discussion topic by Senator Murray Sinclair. But it is not widely presented in the popular media. It is not known by ordinary Canadians.

Why did this happen?

Again, in any boarding school situation –– given the fact that we are talking about adolescents –– there will be sexual abuse. Read any account about English or Upper Canadian boarding schools and you will find it.

But in Residential Schools, the sexual abuse by older students appears to have been far more prevalent.

Often, these children came from dependent communities. Dependent communities are almost always sick communities. Pathologies such as alcohol abuse, domestic violence, incest, and sexual aberrations set in soon after dependence becomes a fact. (Read Thomas Sowell, noted African American author and journalist, on his excellent analysis of dependence and its results.) These communities had been dependent since the semi-nomadic foraging lifestyle of their Indigenous populations had been abandoned.

The unfortunate students brought the problems of dependent communities with them to the schools, just as they often brought bacillus tubercle. It was not their fault, but the result was a cycle of physical and sexual abuse that ruined many lives. The prey in turn became the predator for the next generation.

The teachers, supervisors, priests, and nuns who sexually abused children deserve every bit of opprobrium that has come their way, and their victims deserve every penny of their compensation. But the fact that older children –– and not supervisors or teachers –– were responsible for much of the sexual abuse needs to be acknowledged. The whole story should be taught in schools.

And finally, we have the idea that no good came from Residential Schools. I have written on this topic before and pointed out the fact that the good, as well as the bad, must be acknowledged. The criticism directed towards me for daring to say this obvious truth was swift and harsh. Several commentators said that my articles –– like this article you are now reading –– were just “racism disguised as journalism”. One critic even went so far as to say that anyone who dared to question the accuracy of the Residential School story that has been presented to Canadians was the equivalent of a Holocaust denier.

But I will say it again. Of course some good came from residential Schools. I point to a recent Winnipeg Free Press article about the Assiniboia Residential School that was located in the Tuxedo area of Winnipeg. It closed in 1973. (The Winnipeg Free Press, May 27, 2017). That school had a famous hockey team that won the respect of everyone they played. Eight members of that team went on to become chiefs in their home communities. Eight! That was not a coincidence. Those eight men had received the education and confidence necessary to become leaders, thanks to their Residential School experience. Many people on isolated reserves did not have that opportunity.

One famous example of an Indigenous person who has been quite vocal about the fact that the good, as well as the bad aspects of Residential Schools should be recognized, is Tomson Highway. He is, without a doubt, Canada’s best-known Indigenous playwright and novelist. He was born in a dogsled, and grew up in the remote Barren Lands First Nation in northern Manitoba. Mr. Highway does not shy away from the negative parts of the Residential School experience –– in fact, he has written books and plays about those experiences. However, he is more than willing to talk about the positive aspects as well. Here is what he told the Huffington Post (reported 12/15/2015) about his Residential School experience:

All we hear is the negative stuff, nobody’s interested in the positive, the joy in that school. Some of the happiest years of my life I spent at that school.” He continues “You may have heard stories from 7,000 witnesses in the process that were negative” he adds “But what you haven’t heard are the 7,000 reports that were positive stories. There are many very successful people today that went to those schools and have brilliant careers and are very functional people, very happy people like myself. I have a thriving international career, and it wouldn’t have happened without that school. You have to remember that I came from the far north, and there were no schools up there.

It was also at Residential School that Mr. Highway learned to play the piano. He is now an accomplished classical pianist.

Another example of a successful Assiniboia alumni is Phil Fontaine,  who’s  disclosure of his physical and sexual abuse, in part, initiated the Truth and Reconciliation process.  (Note, you could also include former lieutenant governor of Ontario, James Bartleman in this group.)  Mr. Fontaine has no trouble acknowledging the obvious fact that there was good, as well as bad, that came from the Residential School experience. Here is a quotation from Mr. Fontaine from the same Winnipeg Free Press article:

“I don’t have a problem separating the good from the bad”. He continued, “The story that’s emerged [from residential schools] hasn’t been the most positive. In fact, it describes a pretty tragic part of Canadian history. But there’s no doubt…in fact, it defies logic that there weren’t good people at these schools who actually cared about the kids. And there were some aspects of the residential school experience that were positive.”

There are many other examples of people who received something of value from their Residential School experiences. In fact, it seems to be the case that a disproportionate number of the most successful and powerful Indigenous leaders in many First Nations communities have Residential School histories, while a disproportionate number of struggling people have either very little or no history of any school experience.

So, of course, Residential Schools did some good. The harm that they did is well-documented and widely known, as it should be. But the fact that a good many Indigenous people received an education that they would otherwise not have had should be known as well.

From all the evidence, it is clear that most teachers, administrators, and supervisors at the schools were decent people, and that good, as well as bad, came from Residential Schools. But I have often been asked why I don’t simply shut up about them. Why try to tell the real story? What does it matter?

In reply, I ask this question: “Shouldn’t we first try and discern what the truth is before we pass it on as truth to our children in school?”  If so, we need to learn the truth about Chanie Wenjack’s short and tragic life, just as we need to learn the true Residential School story. 

About the Author

Brian Dale Giesbrecht received his education at United College and The University of Manitoba, where he obtained his LLB in 1972. He worked with Walsh, Micay and Co., and then joined Legal Aid Manitoba in 1975 to become Senior Attorney and the first Area Director for western Manitoba in Brandon.  Appointed to The Provincial Court (Family Division) in 1976, he heard child welfare cases and general family matters until he transfered to the Criminal Division in 1989. During his career he served on the National Family Court Committee, and various provincial court committees. He was an Associate Chief Judge from 1991 to 2005, and he became Acting Chief Judge in 1993. Among the notable cases he heard was the Lester Desjarlais Inquiry. His report strongly criticized the government’s decision to devolve child welfare responsibilities to racially based child-care agencies. Following his retirement from the Bench in 2007, Mr. Giesbrecht has written extensively for various publications. His main theme has been the need to abolish The Indian Act and the separate systems of government that exist in Canada.

** I want to thank Mark DeWolf and Rod Clifton for critically reading and making helpful suggestions on previous drafts of this essay.

Saturday, July 10, 2021


 George Floyd's family has just been awarded $27 million from the City of Minneapolis!  Why!?!  I'll leave that question with you to ponder.

Having moved, we needed a computer guy to set up our system.  In walked Tony.  A Cree from the Tobacco Plains reserve, he has quite the take on his fellow natives.  In fact, he shares my opinions.  

"Whoever is the strongest in a tribe becomes the leader.  It's as simple as that," he said.  "We are going to go nowhere as long as we are given billions from the federal government.  It's a complete scam.  Our leaders pretend they care, but that's just for show.  They don't even live on the reserves.  

"The biggest reason so many babies and kids get taken from their mothers is because the mothers are addicted to meth.  It's not because of the big, bad white man, contrary to what the 'leaders' say.  Because of addictions, they can't even find relatives to take these babies.  If they really wanted to clean up the rampant drug problem on reserves, the leaders would insist that the police search every home.  They can do that because we don't own our homes.  But there is so much money in drugs on the reserves, the chiefs overlook it because they get money.  And by the way, the dealers don't live on the reserve either."

So, that's a native's opinion.  As well as setting up our computer, Tony also fixed our Netflix and security system.  He is a brilliant young man and I learned a lot from him.

Now, it's back to unpacking boxes!


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Canadians have to stand up against tyranny

Muslim parents demanded removal of pork in all school canteens in Montreal and its suburbs. Edgar Rouleau, the mayor of Dorval, a suburb of Montreal, refused and sent a note to all parents to explain why:

′′ Muslims should be aware that they should adapt to Canada and Quebec their customs, traditions and their way of life.
′′ Muslims must realize that they must integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They need to change their lifestyle, not Canadians who so generously welcomed them.
′′ Like other peoples, Canadians are not ready to give up their identity and their culture.
′′ Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec), with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious holidays, religion should remain a personal matter. Dorval Municipality has the right to deny any exemptions to Islam and Sharia.
′′ For Muslims who disagree with secularism and don't feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 wonderful Muslim countries in the world, most of them are poorly populated and ready to accept them with open arms according to Sharia.
′′ If you left your country for Canada, not for other Muslim countries, it's because you believed life in Canada was better than somewhere else. We will not allow you to bring Canada down to the level of those 57 countries.
′′ Ask yourself this question - just once: 'Why is it better here in Canada than where you came from?' The canteen with the pork in the menu is part of the answer.
"If you came to Canada with the idea that you would displace us with your prolific spread and eventually take over the country, you would have to pack up and go back to where you came from. We don't have room for you and your ideology.
"If you accept the situation, stay. If not then prepare to leave."

This is exactly why the province removed the crucifix from the national assembly building: Because it went against the principle of the 'Separation of Church and State'. This principle is also why the province has banned the wearing of all religious symbols in publicly-funded, secular institutions. Everyone seems to think it has to do with some sort of discrimination. It has not.

Monday, July 5, 2021


Scores of "experts" have sworn the Lytton fire was the direct result of climate change.  The fire service, however, says it was caused by human activity.  

Frankly, I still don't believe humans are causing climate change.  The climate has been changing for millions of years -- even when the sanctimonious Neil Young wasn't idling his tour bus outside an Edmonton hotel for 24 hours.  In fact, there is evidence that wine was being made from vineyards growing in the north of Scotland, where it is a tad chilly.  

So, it will continue to change and we will, as they say, adapt or die.  Frankly, I think it will be the latter because politics and the economy are tied up in knots with carbon products.  That equals money, so that's how it will remain.


Just want to bitch about a facebook annoyance.  One that particularly irks me are the folks who post "Happy Tuesday," or whatever day it is every morning and then sign off with a "Goodnight" every friggin' night.  People, we all know what day it is, thanks!


Tomorrow the movers will be here to pack us up for our move to Cochrane, Alberta; the day after they'll move us.  This I am not looking forward to!  Who enjoys moving?!  I really thought the move to Calgary would be our last, but the only child who is in a position to care for us as the runway shortens is the daughter and son-in-law who live there.  And, of course, our dear grands will be close.  It's ironic that the day I walked into B's office in 1980 to help with a conference (forced by my then-boss) would be the day my fate and his were sealed.  

Now that his two offspring have declared themselves unworthy traitors and my son, with whom I chat every day, lives in Toronto and has a very good job.  So, it's down to one daughter here.  Not sure if she has twigged to that, but she will have to.

So, I will be off-line for a few days until we are all hooked up again.  Remember when all you had to remember was the phone?  Ya, gone. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

An important history lesson

 This letter in 'The Globe and Mail' today sums up how I believe Canadians should assess Sir John.  History, sadly, eludes; hysteria prevails.

Read the two volumes about Sir John by Richard Gwyn, very elucidating.