George Floyd's family has just been awarded $27 million from the City of Minneapolis! Why!?! I'll leave that question with you to ponder.
Having moved, we needed a computer guy to set up our system. In walked Tony. A Cree from the Tobacco Plains reserve, he has quite the take on his fellow natives. In fact, he shares my opinions.
"Whoever is the strongest in a tribe becomes the leader. It's as simple as that," he said. "We are going to go nowhere as long as we are given billions from the federal government. It's a complete scam. Our leaders pretend they care, but that's just for show. They don't even live on the reserves.
"The biggest reason so many babies and kids get taken from their mothers is because the mothers are addicted to meth. It's not because of the big, bad white man, contrary to what the 'leaders' say. Because of addictions, they can't even find relatives to take these babies. If they really wanted to clean up the rampant drug problem on reserves, the leaders would insist that the police search every home. They can do that because we don't own our homes. But there is so much money in drugs on the reserves, the chiefs overlook it because they get money. And by the way, the dealers don't live on the reserve either."
So, that's a native's opinion. As well as setting up our computer, Tony also fixed our Netflix and security system. He is a brilliant young man and I learned a lot from him.
Now, it's back to unpacking boxes!
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