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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Need to re-name them

 The Public Health Agency of Canada needs to be re-named the 'Public Death Agency of Canada'.  And while we're at it, Patti Hadju should be called the Minister of "Death" -- along with all her provincial colleagues.    

For how long and how often have I been saying Theresa Tam should have been fired, charged and jailed long ago?  Now we have another report confirming she should have been given the boot for this horrendous lack of due diligence, but of course, she won't be.  Chaired by Margaret Bloodworth (a very competent public servant I knew as a colleague on various inter-departmental committees), the panel's report says that Canada left the door open to this deadly pandemic because of non-existent risk assessment and a zero pandemic early warning system.

Great job Tam!  You've got the blood of more than 26,000 Canadians on your idle hands.

Everything that could have gone wrong did and yet she keeps her job!  The report is very long, but basically says Canada completely blew it.  Women such as Tam and Hadju tarnish the reputations of those of us who actually did our jobs.  

Shame, shame.  


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