What a brilliant move! Lyne Cossette, spokesman -- sorry spokes"person" -- for the Conseil scolaire catholique Providence in southwestern Ontario, said more than 4,700 books were removed from 30 school libraries because native leaders and elders didn't like them. Why? Because they told the history of colonial/native relations in Canada and some of it was neither pretty, nor to their liking.
Probably especially didn't like the chapters on the massacre by natives of thousands of settlers -- especially by the brutal Iroquois and Huron. This is not to say that thousands of natives were not murdered too, but that's the history of this country. Now, in addition to tearing down statues of nation builders, they're burning books like the Nazis did before the second world war.
Here they are removing a statue dedicated to Robert E. Lee, head of the Confederate army in Richmond, VA. So wrong:
As I said, brilliant! And why did it have to be a woman.
"We prefer positive and inclusive messages about the diverse communities within our schools," she said. In an attempt to whitewash the whole mess, she added, "We regret we did not intervene to ensure a more appropriate plan for the commemorative ceremony and the negative impact this gesture of reconciliation has caused."
It was more than a "gesture". It was wrong and all the political leaders agreed. "We don't burn books," said Yves-Francois Blanchet, summing up the societal values Miss Cossette doesn't seem to understand. She, and everyone else, doesn't understand that reconciliation with natives will never be achieved. Never. The fact is that natives do not want reconciliation; they want to continue their victim/money agenda forever. Poor Harper sincerely tried it by inviting native leaders into the House of Commons, with various ceremonies and apologies, but nothing changed.
As I said, it's all about money.
After the medieval and barbaric bonfire, they held a "flame purification" ceremony and buried the ashes of "racism, discrimination and stereotypes in the hope that we will grow up in an inclusive country where all can live in prosperity and security," she rambled. Guess she missed a few history lessons in school and obviously didn't study economics, the latter of which would have told her there will never be prosperity and security for everyone 'cause that's not how economies function.
So there you have it. A perfect example of why private schools are flourishing and expanding in this country. If that's the kind of education kids will get in public institutions, parents who can afford to will keep their kids out of them.
Speaking of school, granddaughter is in her mother's class this year. It will be interesting to see how that works and if "Mummy" can be separated from "Madame".