That's how much Black federal public servants are suing for what they deem is racial discrimination in the workplace. WTF??!! When I worked there, one of the main programs aggressively promoted was called "Affirmative Action", which ensured Blacks and other ethnicities were given preference when it came to staffing. In fact, all qualifications being supposedly equal, they were bumped to the head of the queue.
The whole lawsuit is in a cocked hat, but it is apparently almost approved -- probably by some female judge, herself the beneficiary of "affirmative action".
You could not make this sh-t up! It just gets stupider and stupider and stupider. Gawd help our grands.
As you know, Albert's COVID cases and deaths have shot up, thanks to Kenney and Hinshaw opening the province up waaaaay too soon. What always shocks me is that Hinshaw and her counterparts across the country are still employed?! I did a blog on this a while ago, (see "Just a tad behind", Feb 22, 2021) naming all the health, i.e., "death", ministers and deputies and wondering why they are still sitting pretty, cashing fat paycheques?! Absolutely no consequences for any of them?! Why is that?
No clue???
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