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Sunday, September 18, 2022


So, the call is out for Alberta to have its own police force, like Ontario and Quebec.  Leaving Quebec out of the discussion -- because whatever the ridiculous province of Quebec demands, it gets -- that would mean Alberta, with a population of  a measly 4.7 million souls, would have five forces.  Five!

  • Local police 
  • Peace officers
  • Sheriffs
  • RCMP, and then
  • Alberta police
That would be ridiculous in the extreme.  The real objective of the Yay's on this move is to ensure no one is accountable to anyone for anything.  Think about it.  A crime is committed.  The local police point to the RCMP, who points to the Alberta force, who turns to a peace officer, who blames the sheriffs'.....etc. etc. and on and on.  What a dream that would be for all parties, not to mention a real gift to the perpetrators, whose lawyers could claim a jumble of jurisdictional screw-ups and unlawful arrests in the first place.  Cases thrown out.  Closed.  Accused dismissed.

Will it happen?  Maybe.  Alberta -- and that ridiculous Danielle Smith -- simply want the no-accountability law "enforcement" deal Quebec and Ontario have had for years.  Although, with the incompetence of the RCMP so breathtaking, I can understand no one wanting them handling anything.  Every time they do, many lives are tragically lost and we have to convene a meaningless inquiry to learn that.... yep, many lives were lost.


I want to say a word about RoseAnne Archibald and a couple of colleagues' attendance at the Queen's funeral.  Actually, it's just one word:  Why?  She claims it's about having a word with the new King about treaty rights and the native relationship with The Crown.  Really?  Does she think amid all the bruhaha Charles III will have time to pull up a throne, roll up his gilded sleeves and bang out a few new treaty amendments with her?  

RoseAnne, Canada is the entity that decides what happens with the natives.  Not The Crown.  Get it?  Ms. Archibald is well-educated and no pushover.  Googling her, I learned she has several degrees from Laurentian University, but I could not discover if she had gone to a residential school.  (Probably, but it's not clear.)  I admire the way she stared down the chiefs who vehemently objected to her calls for a forensic audit of how many hands were monkeying around in the AFN's tills over the years.  They were calling for her head before the auditor could plug in his calculator and sharpen his pencil; she won that one.  For now.

But as to the junket to London, that's what it was, a junket.  First, the AFN demanded the Pope apologize for Canada's residential schools.  Didn't work.  Now it's The Crown.  That won't work either.  But, hey, everyone enjoyed a nice trip to London, where I understand the weather is lovely, so not everything was lost.


I have also noticed that, when we should all be mourning the death of a beloved Monarch, there are some writing and giving interviews about how horrible The Crown is and how it stole from so many countries.  What I have also noticed is that all these anti-Monarchists are people of colour.  Can't they stand down for just a few days before starting up again?  Guess not.

But let's hand it to David Beckham and Jason Kenney, who stood in line with 'everyman' for 16 hours to pay their respects to their Queen. This is in stark contrast to British MPs, who were given passes -- and took them -- so they could go to the head of the queue.  That's outrageous.  It was also sickening to see Trudeau there.  Unbearable.  

In Kenney's case, he travelled at his own expense, with no staff.  That was impressive and shows up all his rivals.  Good for both Beckham and Kenney.  Hip hip!            


  1. Nancy, I noticed your 'meeting the Queen' and hat story. It reminded me that I was dragged to see the rehearsal for the Coronation (day or week before the real thing) and it reminded me of the fascination that so many have for the institution. Hope you & B are well.

    1. Yes, we are both fine -- albeit old! Did your formidable Mother drag you there? Best, Nancy
