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Monday, December 5, 2022

More of the same from Haiti

In the 19th century, Haiti was the richest country in the world.  Now it is an unmitigated disaster.  With gangs running amok, brutally killing and raping with abandon and most of the country facing deprivation and starvation, the prime minister is once again asking the UN to send troops to come in and "save" it.  

Better not happen.  It'll just be another Afghanistan, killing soldiers for absolutely no reason and no resolution.  It's all tribal and you'll never fix that.  I'm sick of all these failed states asking the rest of the world to rescue them.  And for what?  So another dictator can seize power and start the criminal activity all over again?  Forget that.

And speaking of failed tribal states, South Africa is another mess.  Cyril Ramaphosa has been another disaster, following the criminal Jacob Zuma, who was kicked out in 2018.  Again, the problem with that continent is that everything is determined by tribal allegiance -- the good, bad and the ugly.  I did a blog about all 38 failed countries in Africa (see, "Africa, a stupid continent," Nov. 17/17) and how every, single one is a mess.  

Also found another one I did when Trump called Haiti a "shithole" and everyone went crazy with outrage!  Trump was right, as he was about a lot of things.  It is a "shithole" and has been for decades.  (See "In the vernacular..." Jan. 12/18) 


But what I really wanted to talk about is the sad fact that the beloved Brownies are being forced to change their name.  Can't believe it took this long, what with all the "wokes" running around, clamouring for anything and everything related to colour or race be erased from the face of the earth.  But tucked away in a tiny article in today's 'Globe and Mail', I read that now the poor, old Brownies have fallen victim.  They are to be called 'The Comets', or 'The Embers', depending on the results of a name contest vote.  But wait, maybe a "Comet" is too white!  And aren't "Embers" black?  They better be careful because someone is sure to figure that out and jump all over them.

It's just pathetic.

The reach of the "woke" knows no bounds.  First 'Aunt Jemima" had to be destroyed and turned into the Pearl Milling Co., with dear, old Aunt Jemima relegated to a footnote on the label.  Here she is no more:

Now, you watch, next it'll be poor, old Uncle Ben.  In fact, I'm baffled as to why he's still around?!  Just saw him peeking out timidly from my pantry.  Hope he enjoys what may be his last hurrah, poor guy.  


1 comment:

  1. I love my blogs! Just re-read this one. It's so good.
