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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Of course he's a Nazi

That's what a dinner guest said to another at a dinner party we held in Ottawa a number of years ago.  We were discussing a mutual acquaintance who hailed from Brazil, but was very blonde and blue-eyed.  I had jokingly said, "Well, maybe he's a Nazi," to which a left-leaning guest objected and said, "Well, you can't make that assumption...."

He hadn't even finished his NDP reply when this woman whirled around and emphatically said, "Of course he's a Nazi."  I roared with laughter and for some reason that expression has remained in B's and my lexicon ever since.  When we are sure of something -- regardless of the subject -- one of us will say, "Of course he's a Nazi."  We still laugh every time.

That expression came again to mind when I heard that China and Canada are jointly hosting an international conference on preserving the global biosphere.  We are hosting this with the biggest polluter in the world.  China!  How can this be??!!  That's when I said, "Of course he's a Nazi," referring to Trudeau's infatuation with China.  His breathtaking ignorance is what drives a desire to give China an international audience in Canada.  It boggles the mind!  

To pile it on, Trudeau has just announced another $800 million for "Indigenous-led environmental healing".  He actually did this at the above-conference, where natives were outside marching in protest against the glittering, but useless, self-congratulating gathering.  Guess reconciliation isn't going too well is it, Justin.  Here's how natives are "stewarding and protecting" the land on the average reserve:

But that's what you get when you elect an ill-educated, narcissistic, virtue-signaling prime minister.  Did anyone else notice the bizarre incongruity of this conference?  The press?  Jo Blow on the street?  Or is it just me?  Perhaps I am living in a parallel universe?  Now we hear that an RCMP contract has been awarded to a company partly owned by....wait for it.....China!!!  Well, with Lucki at the helm, what do you expect?  Carla Quatrough is another incompetent female running the procurement department, so more of the same.  

It's so appalling.


A bit of good news on the sanity file:  Major General Dany Fortin has been found not guilty of a sexual assault that apparently did not happen a hundred years ago at a dorm party when he was a student.  I mean, who hasn't been approached in a sexual way at a dorm party?  Everyone.  Again, his accuser is protected by a publication ban, while General Fortin's life lies ruined and shredded in tatters.  He wants to be reinstated.  Fat chance of that.  How about "guilty even when proven innocent"?  That's what's going on here.

My question is, how many women have been paid off by Trudeau whose indecent sexual exploits are well-known?  


And what about the insanity of natives wanting an entire landfill excavated to find the remains of two women who went missing and were murdered in Winnipeg.  In spite of the fact that an additional 10,000 truckloads of waste have been piled on the Prairie Green site since those remains were dumped, the families of these women think they have a right to find their relatives.

It's insane!

The women in question were leading street lives of danger and were undoubtedly aware that anything could happen to them.  It did, but to demand the rest of us pay millions to find them in a huge landfill is beyond the beyond.  The sense of entitlement and lack of understanding of what it would cost by these natives is typical of their ignorance about where the money they are handed comes from.  And does anyone really think they would be found?  Rhetorical.  Still the cries of "Justice for the families" continue.

So completely ridiculous.

Wrote this blog before I read the always-hysterical, half-Polish (i.e., not really native) Tanya Talaga's column in today's 'Globe and Mail'.  Talk about cultural misappropriation, Tanya is a cheerleader on that file, so you had to know she would weigh in with her usual one-sided condemnation of "colonial" wrongs.  In her view, colonialism is the only reason native women are on the streets.  What did she have to say?  

"There is no feasible explanation for the Winnipeg police chief's refusal to search for these women.  Mr. Smyths' refusal to even try is unforgivable."  She actually called it "genocide" and "a hate crime", which is ludicrous.  It was what happens to sex workers -- both native and non -- when they work on dangerous streets.  The decision not to search is because it would be futile to try and dig up layers and layers of garbage in a wildly expensive search for such women.  They chose their dangerous lifestyle; let their families pay for it. 

As I keep saying, look up the RCMP and provincial stats on who's killing Indigenous women.  They are the same for non-Indigenous women, by the way, and the majority are killed by their own kith and kin.  But hey, don't let those facts get in the way of a good press conference.

I remember other non-native families searching for missing loved ones, but guess what?  They paid for the searches themselves.  Publicly-funded law enforcement agencies are not to be deployed for personal reasons.  Now they're outrageously demanding the Winnipeg police chief resign!  So wrong.

Tanya needs to be quiet and 'The Globe and Mail' needs to stop publishing her rubbish.  If it paid as well, she'd grab onto her Polish half and take up their cudgel.        


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