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Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hearts strike fear in the hearts of Ontario principals

Well, this tops it.  Many schools in Ontario have cancelled Valentine's Day.  First it was Christmas, then Easter, so you knew St. Valentine would get it in the neck sooner or later.  Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, has folded and is letting this outrage happen.  

What is happening in this country?!  According to the talking heads interviewed on TV, some kids felt left out because they weren't Christian; others because they didn't get many valentines.

OMG!  Poor, old St. Valentine.  Not even love can save him.  Now it's being turned into a "learning opportunity," said one weak-kneed principal, "About how other cultures celebrate love."  In my world, love is pretty much a universal emotion, isn't it?  OK, not in the case of arranged marriages, but everywhere else love is love.

I remember Valentine's Day in my elementary school.  It was a day of excitement, when you received valentines from friends and a few admirers.  The most thrilling were from secret admirers, when we spent the day blushing and giggling with our girlfriends trying to figure out who our secret admirers were.  Pretty heady stuff!

It's actually a feast day in many religions and in other cultures it's a day to celebrate love.  Now it seems love is a taboo.  How pathetic.  Rest in Peace, St. Valentine.


  1. Fr9m Faye. THANK THE LORD ABOVE that teachers here celebrated Valentines' Day for the kIds.
