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Thursday, February 9, 2023

You could not make this up

So, here we have a 16-year-old high school student, Josh Alexander, barred from attending school for the rest of the year because he dared to stay close to his Catholic faith by saying there are only two genders:  Male and female.  This was greeted with the usual outrage by trans students and parents, who leaned on un-principled principal Derek Lennox to kick the kid out.

So he did.  I kid you not!

To up the fantasmagorical thermometre, the school in question is a Catholic one -- St. Joseph's High School in Renfrew, Ontario.  Correct me if I've missed something, but doesn't Catholic doctrine teach that there are only two genders?  Weren't there only Adam and Eve, two genders?  I don't recall any he/she's, she/he's, he/he's or she/she's in Genesis.  Maybe it was principal Lennox who missed that classs, so Alexander is not allowed to attend school for the rest of the year after saying he would continue to express his belief that God created only two genders. The school told him his presence would be “detrimental to the physical and mental well-being” of transgender students.

“Offence is obviously defined by the offended, said Josh.  "I expressed my religious beliefs in class and it spiraled out of control,” Alexander said. “Not everybody’s going to like that. That doesn’t make me a bully. It doesn’t mean I’m harassing anybody. They express their beliefs and I express mine.  Mine obviously don’t fit the narrative.”

As I said, it's a Catholic school, not a public, secular one.  Did someone re-write the bible or the catechism?  Did I miss something?  It's so insane I can hardly believe it.

In a display of real courage, Mark Searson, director of education for the Renfrew County Catholic School Board, declined to comment.  He declined to comment!  One parent of a trans called Alexander's comments "bullying".  Bullying!  After saying this, however, she also declined to comment.

When Alexander showed up to attend class, he was actually arrested.  Arrested!@!$#$#!@!!!

It's a sad, sad day when a 16-year-old student is forced to stand up and defend Catholic doctrine, while those who run the institutions hide under the bed.  Here he is, Defender of the Faith:


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