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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Is there a point?

I doubt it.  In the face of India and China opening coal-fired plants every ten minutes, here we are mindlessly doing this:

Totally pointless.  But still we carry on, afraid to idle our cars for two minutes while we pop in somewhere, yet there's climate "guru" Neil Young, idling his huge tour bus for 48 hours outside countless gigs -- all the while lecturing the rest of us about climate change.    

Just so dumb.

Speaking of dumb and pointless, Trudeau and Freeland secretly jetted off to Kyiv in a meaningless display of "caring" for a virtue-signaling photo op.  Hey, Canada is burning and dying and you're swanning around the Ukraine giving speeches and handing out the odd tank or two!  

Absolutely odious.  I could hardly watch the phony coverage of the two of them:  

Freeland, whose only agenda is the Ukraine, sickens me.  She forgets she is the finance minister -- hello, Canadians are struggling!  Do something!  She and Trudeau Nero and smirk their way around the former's native country while Rome, i.e., Canada, literally burns.

I hope they brought along a bunch of helmets for our troops, who are so under-funded they have to pay for them out of their own pockets.  Yes, you read that right.  And to add insult to injury, Trudeau just promised another $500 million for a never-to-be won war in a G-d forsaken place because Canada has the second-highest diaspora of Ukrainians in the world.  All about votes, folks.

We've already given them more than $8 billion and what good has it done?!  Oh ya, I forgot, it just bought Zelensky a brand, new mega-yacht.  Great job! 

$8 billion would also go a long way towards helping fund the fights against wild fires in Canada, but no, he virture-signals and fritters it away on Ukraine because Freeland is Ukrainian.  That's about the only point, as far as I'm concerned.    

Shame shame to the people who keep electing these fools.  



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