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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Toronto mayoral election

Predictably, Toronto's mayoral race unfolded along racial and ethnic lines. Olivia Chow won over 102 other candidates.  (To have more than 100 candidates shows you just how unhappy people were with John Tory, but I digress.)

Toronto is 50 percent white and 37 percent ethnic; Chow garnered 37.2 percent of the votes.  It's all in the numbers, folks.  Always is.  Chow tapped into the ethnic vote, just as did Naheed Nenshi and Jyothi Gondek in Calgary.  

People seem to leave their brains and critical thinking faculties at the polling station door and just vote for the ethnic candidate, if they themselves are ethnic.  Toronto attracts hundreds of thousands of immigrants.  In fact, nearly half of the population of 2,900,000 is foreign-born -- second only to Miami.  

So, never mind that Chow's reckless money-giveaway platform -- which will further bankrupt the city -- she is now the mayor.  "We going to make Toronto more affordable and united," she claimed in a euphoric moment of complete delusion.

I lived in Toronto.  All I can say is, G-d help Toronto.


So, RoseAnne Archibald has been dumped.  The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has just had her ass handed her by 71 percent of the 231 chiefs who voted no-confidence in her leadership.

Beset by acrimony from the day she was elected two years ago, Archibald faced accusations of abuse, bullying and harassment by her own staff.  Last June, she was actually suspended by the AFN, a suspension she said was unlawful.

Frankly, they got rid of her because she was determined to get to the bottom of what she called long-standing corruption within the organization, calling it, "The most widely-known secret in Indian country."  She claimed this was why she was being smeared.

One dissenting voice was that of Chief Jeffrey Copenace, of the Onigaming nation in Ontario. 

"This not how the Anishinaabeg conduct business," he said.  "We don't try to fire the first-ever woman national chiefThis is all about gender.  She is being held to a higher standard that any other former male national chief.  You would never do this a male chief," he added.  

That's undoubtedly true, but the real reason is money.  Part of the agenda included a presentation by a law firm that would have provided an update on findings from an investigation and audit of the AFN's financial and management policies.

That, my friends, was the death knell for Archibald.  

Note:  Comments from my status friends would be most helpful!

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