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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Geezer alert

"I was being a smarty pants and showing off," I said to the lifeguard when I finally returned to the pool three months after my injury.

Yes, I was racing some 12-year-old and did serious damage to my right shoulder rotator cuff.  That was 13 years ago and I could not swim for three months.  Eventually, it felt better, so I got back into the water.  Things improved over the years, but I must have injured it again over the summer because it became impossible and painful again.

Naturally, I did not have it properly assessed 13 years ago, but this time I did.  Here's what's officially still wrong with my rotator cuff, according to the latest ultrasound:

  • Biceps tendon, subluxed, heterogeneous, fluid hyperemia.  Area of concern;
  • Full-thickness tear distal = 9x9 tendinosis of the subscapularis tendon;
  • Complete tear of the supraspinatus tendon;
  • Full thickness tear distal of the infraspinatus tendon, 13x11mm;
  • Bursitis in the subacromial-subdeltoid;
  • Degeration of the acromloclavicular joint; and
  • Impingement of the abduction.
I'm amazed that I have been swimming through this nightmare for 13 years!  Must be the Irish in me because I am still swimming.  The specialist who saw me the other day said an operation would not help.  He was also amazed that I have pushed through this and still swim 40 laps a day.  Did I mention I just turned 77?    

Here's what the internet shows it looks like.  This shows just one tear; I have three.  I am posting this so my doctor sister, Nora Doyle, can have a look:

See the tear?  


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