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Saturday, October 5, 2024


He's down in popularity because people are reading the polls.  Seriously?!  Trudeau actually said in a podcast that he's down because people are reading polls that say he's down!

The polling of actual Canadians say he's down, but he thinks he's not really down, it's just polls.

What delusional, alternate universe is he living in?  Nate Erskine-Smith, a Liberal MP who has (sort of) criticized Trudeau, asked Trudeau why he wanted to run again and why he believes he's still the best guy for the job?  

"People are fretting solely because of polling results.  It's not about me," he incredulously said.  "I think the pattern of crises -- economic, military, geopolitical or health are not something that's going to be on the ballot," he added.


"The idea of knowing someone's values, knowing the frame with which they approach challenges, is not just important, it's ultimately the the only thing," he actually said.

So, in other words, all the destruction he has wrought over the last nine years doesn't matter.  The only thing that matters is that, "Canadians know what I stand for and are aligned with it deep in their marrow and when push comes to shove in the voting booth, there will be a sort of homing instinct and they will vote for me."

H went on, but I can't bear to even type it.  This guy is so wrapped up in the Emperor's New Clothes that he can't even think logically or honestly!

Trudeau's delusional "Emperor's New Clothes".

 We're done with you, buddy.        

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