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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

That dog don't hunt

So, Marie-Josée Hogue has released her big "exposé" on foreign interference in Canadian elections.

Apparently, there isn't any.  She said exactly what Trudeau must have told her to say, which stinks to high heaven.  According to Hogue, we have bad communications, but no actual interference.  In fact, she didn't name any possible suspects because ludicrously, there is a 99 year embargo on releasing the names of MPs and candidates who did engage with foreign entities.  

Really?!  So, what was the point of the whole exercise if no one was identified, if voters will never know who was involved when they go to the polls?  It beggars belief!  This whole thing was not an "inquiry", it was a cover up.  Remember that the National Security and Intelligence Parliamentary Committee released its own report, which explicitly said some MPs were working with China and India to influence elections.  Hogue completely contradicts this.  

Keystone Cops anyone?  Left hand right hand?

Gee, I wonder if Hogue's ties to Justin Trudeau's father, Pierre, had anything to do with her appointment as commissioner?  Didn't they both work for Heenan Blaikie?  Isn't she close to the Trudeau family?  As I always say, pull back the curtain and you'll find the truth.

Her report, coloured as it is by her personal and professional background, is a complete whitewash.  My question is, what is the difference between lobbying and interfering?  There isn't any that I can see.  Lobbyists make their livings trying to interfere in the political process on behalf of their clients.  Those who interfere in the political process do essentially the same thing.

My other question is her claim that we have no actual traitors in the Parliament of Canada.  Huh?  She was not given a mandate to ferret out traitors.  She was given a mandate to determine if foreign interests "interfered" in the election.  Instead, she globed onto the traitor element to the exclusion of who did, or did not, meet the interference issue.

So, all's well in Parliament.  No one is interfering.  No one is a traitor.  Elections are all pristine and above-board.  Whew, great to know!  Except, the real story, as I said, lies in the fact that those involved will not be identified for 99 years.  99 years!!!  That screams serious interference and corruption, so if that doesn't tell you everything, nothing in the redacted report will.

Thank God everything's A-OK, according to Mme. Justice Hogue.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Indigenous myth of colonial settlement

Contrary to what all Indigenous leaders, spokespersons and experts claim, the colonization of Canada, the United States and Australia did not involve the systemic and brutal annihilation of natives.  

It simply didn't. 

Dr. Stephen Chavura

This was the subject of a fascinating YouTube broadcast, hosted by former deputy prime minister of Australia John Anderson, during which he interviewed Dr. Nigel Biggar, below, regis professor at Oxford, and Dr. Stephen Chavura, above, European and Australian history professsor.  Biggar and Chavura outlined the brutality of Indigenous-to-Indigenous wars and violence that was occurring before the White man ever set foot in the new world.

Dr. Nigel Biggar

Entire tribes were regularly wiped out, with women and children brutally tortured, murdered, raped and enslaved.  They were not peaceful hunters and gatherers, as the fairy tale is regularly spun.  As nomadic people, the Indigenous also practiced infanticide because they simply could not move around as they needed to with a multitude of infants in tow.  So they suffocated them at birth.

The tribe-to-tribe violence did not shock me, but I had not read about the infanticide.  However, it makes sense and people like Tanya Talaga should be tied to a chair and forced to watch this broadcast.  She is one of the worst offenders when it comes to perpetrating the myth of the evils of colonization and cultural genocide on innocent, peaceful natives. 

Biggar and Chavura also pointed out that the laws which allowed the British to remove children from their homes applied equally to both Caucasians and Indigenous.  Children were removed because of neglect, violence or starvation -- not because settlers were practicing genocide.  In fact, the natives themselves were lobbying Ottawa to build residential schools so their children could have better lives, free of the diseases and starvation that were killing them on the reserve.

Biggar also talked about the lie of mass murders and burials of native children in Canada, where three years after the story was hatched, not a single grave has been uncovered.  Nevertheless, 85 churches have been burned to the ground by natives in protest.

Yep, all lies.

So, if you want to educate yourselves about the history of colonialism, watch this broadcast.  It should be required viewing for every Canadian minister of Indigenous affairs and every "expert" like Pam Palmeter, Doug Cuthand or Tanya Talaga before they dare put pen to paper, or teach another course.



Friday, January 24, 2025

True to form

One of my newly-found brothers-in-law just confirmed my opinion of the woke, adolescent, American left mob.  An upper New York State university professor, he is obviously out-of-touch with reality, as are so many cocooned, well-paid profs.  

To test my theory, I sent him a "friend" request on facebook.  What did I get in return?  A harangue about how he had to refuse on principle because of my offensive posts.  I guess he meant the ones about the woke left and the bed-wetters, of which he appears to be a rabid, card-carrying member.

He actually called me out as someone on the cusp of racism, which is wholly untrue.  As you know, my position is that we are all part of one race:  The Human Race; everything else is cultural.

Ah well, if anyone doubts the wise words of Victor Davis Hanson (he's on YouTube), American classicist, military historian, conservative political commentator and professor at California State, Fresno, my brother-in-law's rejection of my positions confirms those of Prof. Hanson.

I know he will keep reading my "offensive" blogs, so I hope he enjoys this one.  I bet he even condones the disgraceful lecture Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Budde (see previous blog)  had to gall to aim at President Trump during the inauguration prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington.  

Instead of sticking to her job of leading prayers and praising God, this egomaniacal lunatic hammered Trump and called on him to throw law-and-order out the window by showering compassion on illegal migrants and supporting them -- many of them criminals.  

I wonder how many illegals and refugees Budde has invited to live in her $6 million mansion?  Have a look at "America's Untold Stories" with Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley.  Groubert nails her.

The un-American Bishop Budde.

No, Trump was voted in because he vowed to uphold the rule of law.  I was impressed by his restraint.



Wednesday, January 22, 2025

William Donohue's take

Re-printed from 'The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.  How did this woman ever get to lead that service?!  She just insulted Trump to his face: 

Open Letter To DC Bishop Who Lectured Trump

Contact her at:

January 22, 2025

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

Episcopal Church House                                    

Mount St. Alban

Washington, D.C. 20016

Dear Bishop Budde:

At the January 21 prayer service at Washington National Cathedral that featured President Trump, you mentioned that “people in our country are scared now.” You singled out people who “may not be citizens or have the proper documentation,” as well as LGBTQ persons. These people “fear for their lives.” You then made a plea to “find compassion.”

Your commitment to compassion is noble, but it is misplaced.

I work in New York City, and I witness daily how many New Yorkers are “scared” and “fear for their lives.” They are afraid of being mugged, beaten, raped and killed, often by people who have crashed our borders, people you refer to as lacking “proper documentation.” They, and in some cases their surviving families, are deserving of compassion. More than that, they are deserving of justice, and that means that illegal alien criminals must be apprehended and deported.

You are right to call attention to violence against LGBTQ persons. They have every right to be “scared” and “fear for their lives.” What you don’t mention is that the people who are most likely to victimize them are people just like them. In other words, it is not heterosexual guys who are beating up on gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons—it is people in their own ranks. It is called “intimate partner violence,” and the studies show how prevalent it is among LGBTQ persons.

In 2022, 'Psycom Pro', a psychiatry resource for clinicians, concluded that “More than half of transgender individuals experience partner violence or gender identity abuse.”

In 2020, seven experts published a study in the 'American Journal of Public Health' on this subject and concluded that “Transgender individuals experience a dramatically higher prevalence of IPV [intimate partner violence] victimization compared with cisgender individuals [those who accept their sex identity], regardless of sex assigned at birth.”

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reviewed the literature on this subject and found that “43.8% of lesbian women and 61.1% of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime, as opposed to 35% of cisgender women.” It also found that transgender individuals experienced the highest rate of intimate partner violence.

The Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA Law, reviewed a number of studies on this subject. One of them found that “31.1% of transgender people and 20.4% of cisgender people had ever experienced IPV or dating violence.” It also said that three studies concluded that the lifetime intimate partner sexual violence prevalence among transgender people ranged from “25.0% to 47.0%.”

Even in sympathetic pop culture magazines, such as 'Portland Monthly', it is acknowledged that “statistically speaking, the most common perpetrators of violence against trans women are domestic partners.”

In short, misdirected compassion is not virtuous. You need to make a public statement addressing the fallacies of your remarks.


William A. Donohue, Ph.D.


Monday, January 20, 2025

I have a dream!

Could someone not write a new script for all Black preachers?  Once again, the Black pastor speaking at Trump's inauguration trotted out the old, tired Martin Luther King, jr., trope from the Million Man March on Washington in 1963.

I have a dream!

Frankly, it's wearing a bit thin.  "I have a dream that one day, every valley shall be engulfed, every hill shall be exalted and every mountain shall be laid low....." blah blah blah.  He also just had to include the "Let freedom reign" and "Free at Last!  God almighty we're free at last!" part.

As I said, it's getting very old  - 62 years, to be exact.  But King's words can always be counted on to raise a crowd -- especially if the speaker yells them loudly enough.  Has no progress been made in those years?  Has no one been able to pen a few different inspirational words?  Guess not.

I know it was Martin Luther King Day, but still.  Give it a rest.

Trump, however, was impressive.  He spoke extemporaneously and covered a lot of ground -- mostly excoriating the Democrats on every file.  He really let rip on illegal immigration and the ineffective wall that kept out no one on the Mexican border.  Harris squirmed and the Biden gang looked very uncomfortable while he raked all of them over the coals on mess after mess.

Michelle Obama made a bit spectacle of not attending, which only goes to show that Barack has always been a cuckhold.  What a spiteful, immature, self-centred, un-American, rude thing to do.  I mean, who does she think she is?!  She just proved that at her core, she remains a classless broad from the Chicago "hood".  Whatever happened to, "When they go low, we go high"???  Easy to say when you're in the White House; couldn't muster it when it mattered.  

And the fact that Keir Starmer wasn't even invited speaks volumes about the poor and incompetent job he is doing.  Can you imagine?!  The prime minister of Britain not being invited to the inauguration of an American president?!  

As for Biden, he made mess after mess in only four years; Trudeau has more than tripled messes here because he's been allowed to screw things up for nine! 

Trump also let it be known that the ludicrous and destructive "diversity, equity and inclusion" era is over!  Thank G-d for that!  That's what got Los Angeles Karen Bass, the woman who, along with Gavin Newsome, has destroyed that once magnificent city.  That's what got a deputy fire chief like Kristine Larson, who said that if she had to carry a man out of a burning building, he had "got himself in the wrong place".  You could not make that up!

Larson, a DEI hire if ever there were one.

"Woke", that ludicrous reign of terror, is also gone.  What a dumb philosophy.  A completely false approach to life which had nothing to do with reality or competence.  In fact, it was an insult to everyone -- including those it rewarded.    

But, true to form, Trudeau got into Woke and DEI big time when he formed his first cabinet, filled with a lot of incompetent misfits, "because it's 2015".  Canadians paid for those messes too.   

So it's official.  Trump is the new president.  Now, let's wait and see what he does to Canada.  Hold onto your hats because we deserve whatever he throws at us!



Saturday, January 18, 2025

You can thank Trump

Trump's the guy who got the ceasefire done in Gaza.  In spite of all the back-slapping and self congratulating being done by Biden and Blinken, they accomplished nothing.  It was only thanks to Trump's threat of all hell breaking loose if there was no ceasefire by the time he took office.  That scared the livin' bejesus out of Hamas, so they got it done.

I wrote a letter to the editor of 'The Globe and Mail', which, being so aggressively anti-Trump, was not published.  Here's what I wrote:

"Dear Editor,

"If any credit for the deal to halt the fighting in Gaza is to be given, it has to be to Donald Trump.  Although President Biden claims it was thanks to months of U.S. effort, fruitless though they were, it was incoming President Trump's declaration that if a deal wasn't in the works and hostages released by the time he took office, all Hell would break loose.  

"Whatever one thinks of Mr. Trump, there's nothing like a mortal fear of the mighty U.S. military to get everyone rushing to the table looking for the nearest pen."
Frankly, I thought it deserved to get in, but it didn't.  God forbid anyone at 'The Globe' give one ounce of credit to Donald Trump!  Frankly, I think they google me and panic at my blogs.

If you have YouTube, do yourself a favour and watch 'Plank of the Week' -- a delightfully irreverent podcast featuring leading broadcasters and journalists discussing insane issues in Britain.  It's hilarious!  

At first, I thought they were Monty-Python spoofing, but they are actually covering real life political craziness!  Kier Starmer is a favourite and wins often, thanks to his tone-deaf, automaton "leadership" of Britain.  They have a great time and it's screamingly funny.

They also appear on another podcast entitled 'Clash of the Titans', where they again weekly tear apart politicians -- this time on a Saturday night enjoying a glass or two of grog:

Julia Hartley Brewer and Jeremy Kyle on 'Clash of the Titans'.

Julia, Jeremy, Michael Graham and Kevin O'Sullivan.
Why can't the MotherCorp do something like this?  All they offer is 'At Issue', with three boring talking heads, moderated by the odious, silly, giggling (and ever-fattening) Rosemarie Barton.  It's all so uninformative with absolutely no reality whatsoever!

There's turgid Andrew Coyne, banging on about...whatever....along with rabid Separatist Chantal Hébert, flanked by the always boringly, politically-correct and self-important Althea Raj. 

None has an original thought in their egomaniacal heads!

Bring on the Titans!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Death of a Bridesmaid

"Hi Nan, it's Nan."  That was how we greeted each other when we phoned.  We were both Nancy's.

My buddy, Nancy

Now one of us has died.  Born 12 days apart, we met at university and became inseparable during the three glorious and crazy years we spent wreaking havoc throughout those hallowed halls.  Reading in 'The Globe and Mail' she had died shocked me to the core.  How could she be dead?!  She was only 77 -- same age as I.  How could she be dead?!

She was one of my bridesmaids when I married my first husband, but as close as we once were, we lost touch over the years.  We both moved to Toronto after graduation and both worked in the publishing business, but life intervened.  I moved back to Ottawa, she stayed in Toronto.  I did try to re-connect and we got together a couple of times when she visited Ottawa, or I Toronto.  But life intervened again.  

I think I turned her off during one visit to TO when I incredously asked her why she still smoked?!  She and I both smoked up a storm at Carleton, but I quit 50 years ago.  When I asked her, she got testy and after that, I did not hear from her.  I wonder if she continued to smoke until she died?  She was stubborn, so probably.

She opted not to have kids; I had two and two stepchildren.  As I said, life intervened.  But before it did, we caroused around Ottawa and Hull with various boyfriends hitting all the bars, dance halls, dives and dumps we university students frequented.

One of her boyfriends introduced me my first NHL boyfriend, Bryan Watson.  (My other was Brian Smith, the guy who was tragically shot by a lunatic in the parking lot of CJOH.) With a face like a road map, a nose smashed in and many false teeth, Bryan managed to be the most charming of fellas.  My mother adored him.  

One of our favourite haunts was the 'Chamberlain Hotel' in Alymer.  There Nancy, me and various assorted boyfriends would order quarts of beer, or a tray of draft at 10 cents a glass and dance to the 'Hughie Scott Band'.  Those were magical days, my friends, and we (literally) soaked them up until closing time at two a.m.  Then I'd have to get up at six to catch the bus to my summer job at Tunney's Pasture.  How I did that, I have no clue?!  Ah, youth.

I'd stagger home after work and tell my Mother I was definitely not going out that night, as I went upstairs and crashed on my bed.  But Bryan would always show up and charm my Mother.  "Dear, Bryan's downstairs and he said he'd wait for you to have a nap."  So, up I'd get, go out and start all over again.

Rest in peace, Nancy my old friend.  My memories will always be of our 'Glory Days'. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Apparently, Special US Prosecutor Jack Smith, who lost his attempt to get Trump convicted on charges of providing hush money to one of the latter's paramours, has resigned.

Mr. Smith goes to Washington.

Please fill me in.  Why is giving someone money a crime?  So, Trump gave money to a call girl.  So what?  Reminds me of the travesty here in Canada in 2013, when Mike Duffy was given $90,000 by Nigel Wright, then chief of staff in Harper's PMO.  So what?  Wright gave money to Duffy for whatever reason and who cares?!  It's a personal matter.  Same with Trump, who, by the way, received no penalty for the so-called "crime".  Correct.  He should not have been penalized.

People get money all the time for providing sexual services -- including respectable wives of rich men.  So, in my world, giving someone money for sex is not a crime. And neither is keeping it a secret.  Extra-marital affair anyone?

What is a crime, however, is the latest Palestinian scandal in Montreal.  Illegal immigrants came to Montreal and set up camp in Victoria Park -- complete with tents and caravans.  They defaced the statue of Queen Victoria and tried to tear it down.  So wrong.  The police eventually evicted them, because law-abiding Montrealers could not use the park, paid for with their tax dollars.  In the process, a few tents and trailers were damaged because the "residents" fought back.

But what did these criminals do?  Why, they hired a lawyer and have now demanded $30,000 each for their illegal occupation of an encampment from which they were correctly evicted.

It's insane!

Pollievre has to clean up our immigration system and all the illegals who are abusing us.  

I'm sick of it.

I also want to tell you about a "God among us" moment the other day.  My 24-year-old Honda Civic would not start because the key would not engage.  Jiggle as I tried, it would not start.  So, there I was, sitting on a side street, outside my daughter's school, where I had been doing extra volunteer reading with some of her grade-two students.  

I love reading with them and am so happy daughter has invited me to participate, but when I tried to start my car, it wouldn't.  Looking across the street, I spied a young man and hailed him.  "My car won't start," I said.  True to the "Alberta way", he jumped out of his truck.  

"What's the problem," he asked.  "My ignition won't ignite," I said.  So he sat in the driver's seat, took over and jiggled with the key.  It started.  "I'm a mechanic and I know what the problem is," he told me, explaining how to fix it.

What are the odds I would be parked immobile across from a mechanic who could fix my car?!!  

As I said, A God Moment. 

p.s.  An anonymous comment was left on this blog and I have decided I will no longer publish anonymous comments.  If you have something to say, put your name on it.  



Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Will Elizabeth May get the same?

First it was Jack Layton, the woebegone leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP).  Then it was John Horgan, the maladroit leader of B.C's freak NDP party and premier of that bizarre province for two years.

Will the Green Party's hapless Elizabeth May be next?  I mean, how far down the totem will we go?  Mayors?  Local councillors?  High school teachers?  

I'm talking about State Funerals.  These n'er do wells were all given them.  Why?  Who knows, but it must all be about politics and votes.  In Canada, a State Funeral is supposed to be given to prime ministers, members of cabinet and governors general who die while in office.  Last time I checked, neither Layton nor Horgan fit this description.  
And as for May, well forget about it.  She is the one and only member of the Greens in the House, but judging by how cavalierly such funerals are meted out, I would not be surprised if she gets one too.
Did I ever tell you about the time I was cornered at a cocktail party by May?  Gawd!  I thought I would die on the spot of boredom!  She blathered on and on and said nothing, while I fortified and steeled myself with a few glasses of wine.  It was torture!  
I mean seriously.  Canada has lost its pathetic way.  
And speaking of pathetic, Justin Trudeau has finally resigned.  But not really because he's going to hang around until the end of March while a new leader is chosen.  So, when Trump gets into office, we'll be trounced because we will have a lame-duck eunuch of a prime minister bumming around.
"Forgotten, but not gone", is how JFK once described  a hanger on still in his employ.  That'll be Trudeau.  As I have told you, my stepson played soccer in the same league as little Justin in the early eighters.  He was a spoiled brat then.  One morning, as Margaret was lounging stoned on the pitch sidelines, Justin picked up a rock and smashed it over my stepson's head.  What did Margaret do?  Why, she roared with laughter and did nothing to discipline her wretched, spoiled child.
Our still PM

That's why he turned out as he did.  A narcissistic, entitled man-child who has brought our country to the edge of ruin.  His hubris knows no bounds.  B thinks it will take eight years for us to recover, but Justin is determined to continue to wreak havoc to ensure Pollievre inherits an unholy mess.
The poor guy.
And as for Mark Carney, the best description I can come up with is "unelectable snob".  Everyone goes on about his brilliant career, but remember, he was appointed to a five-year term as governor of the Bank of England, but fired after just two.  Ever wonder why?  Yeah, exactly.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

A shout out to first responders

A member of my family is a first responder and he deserves a huge shout out for the work he does.  He had to attend the scene of the brutal murder of a Calgary mother of three young children, killed by their father.  After shooting his wife, the husband next went to his father-in-law's home and murdered him too.  Then he shot himself, leaving three babies parent-less.

The very next day, this stalwart firefighter showed up at B's birthday lunch, looking happy and cheerful.  How he does this, I do not know?  But I am very proud of him.

Brave and selfless first responders


On another front, the 'Globe and Mail' featured a front-page story of a native woman from the Wikemikoong reserve on Manitoulin Island who had to boil her drinking water for 14 years.  Naturally, I asked myself why?  

Pulling back the curtain, as is my wont, I learned that only 8,431 souls inhabit this reserve -- a reserve given $13 billion in 1995 for use of its land and another $10 billion from the Robinson Huron treaty.  In addition, they received $1.4 billion in the "Cows and Plows" settlement in 2024.

That's a TON of money.  So, why did she have to boil her water?  Why didn't the chiefs of her reserve install a filtration system?  And why didn't 'The Globe' look into, and publish, these facts?  Because they were inconvenient and ruined the narrative of the woebegone woman who had to boil her water.

Naturally, she doesn't look to her own leadership for answers.  OMG, never!  She blames "Ottawa".   Why, of course she does. 

The 1.8 million native in this country are handed more than $32 billion a year.  Adding in all the other Indigenous groups that are also handed money, it amounts to $2,034,970,155.  That's more than $2 trillion!!$!@#%^^$@!!

If you're sick of it all, trust me, I am too.