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Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Indigenous myth of colonial settlement

Contrary to what all Indigenous leaders, spokespersons and experts claim, the colonization of Canada, the United States and Australia did not involve the systemic and brutal annihilation of natives.  

It simply didn't. 

Dr. Stephen Chavura

This was the subject of a fascinating YouTube broadcast, hosted by former deputy prime minister of Australia John Anderson, during which he interviewed Dr. Nigel Biggar, below, regis professor at Oxford, and Dr. Stephen Chavura, above, European and Australian history professsor.  Biggar and Chavura outlined the brutality of Indigenous-to-Indigenous wars and violence that was occurring before the White man ever set foot in the new world.

Dr. Nigel Biggar

Entire tribes were regularly wiped out, with women and children brutally tortured, murdered, raped and enslaved.  They were not peaceful hunters and gatherers, as the fairy tale is regularly spun.  As nomadic people, the Indigenous also practiced infanticide because they simply could not move around as they needed to with a multitude of infants in tow.  So they suffocated them at birth.

The tribe-to-tribe violence did not shock me, but I had not read about the infanticide.  However, it makes sense and people like Tanya Talaga should be tied to a chair and forced to watch this broadcast.  She is one of the worst offenders when it comes to perpetrating the myth of the evils of colonization and cultural genocide on innocent, peaceful natives. 

Biggar and Chavura also pointed out that the laws which allowed the British to remove children from their homes applied equally to both Caucasians and Indigenous.  Children were removed because of neglect, violence or starvation -- not because settlers were practicing genocide.  In fact, the natives themselves were lobbying Ottawa to build residential schools so their children could have better lives, free of the diseases and starvation that were killing them on the reserve.

Biggar also talked about the lie of mass murders and burials of native children in Canada, where three years after the story was hatched, not a single grave has been uncovered.  Nevertheless, 85 churches have been burned to the ground by natives in protest.

Yep, all lies.

So, if you want to educate yourselves about the history of colonialism, watch this broadcast.  It should be required viewing for every Canadian minister of Indigenous affairs and every "expert" like Pam Palmeter, Doug Cuthand or Tanya Talaga before they dare put pen to paper, or teach another course.



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