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Monday, January 20, 2025

I have a dream!

Could someone not write a new script for all Black preachers?  Once again, the Black pastor speaking at Trump's inauguration trotted out the old, tired Martin Luther King, jr., trope from the Million Man March on Washington in 1963.

I have a dream!

Frankly, it's wearing a bit thin.  "I have a dream that one day, every valley shall be engulfed, every hill shall be exalted and every mountain shall be laid low....." blah blah blah.  He also just had to include the "Let freedom reign" and "Free at Last!  God almighty we're free at last!" part.

As I said, it's getting very old  - 62 years, to be exact.  But King's words can always be counted on to raise a crowd -- especially if the speaker yells them loudly enough.  Has no progress been made in those years?  Has no one been able to pen a few different inspirational words?  Guess not.

I know it was Martin Luther King Day, but still.  Give it a rest.

Trump, however, was impressive.  He spoke extemporaneously and covered a lot of ground -- mostly excoriating the Democrats on every file.  He really let rip on illegal immigration and the ineffective wall that kept out no one on the Mexican border.  Harris squirmed and the Biden gang looked very uncomfortable while he raked all of them over the coals on mess after mess.

Michelle Obama made a bit spectacle of not attending, which only goes to show that Barack has always been a cuckhold.  What a spiteful, immature, self-centred, un-American, rude thing to do.  I mean, who does she think she is?!  She just proved that at her core, she remains a classless broad from the Chicago "hood".  Whatever happened to, "When they go low, we go high"???  Easy to say when you're in the White House; couldn't muster it when it mattered.  

And the fact that Keir Starmer wasn't even invited speaks volumes about the poor and incompetent job he is doing.  Can you imagine?!  The prime minister of Britain not being invited to the inauguration of an American president?!  

As for Biden, he made mess after mess in only four years; Trudeau has more than tripled messes here because he's been allowed to screw things up for nine! 

Trump also let it be known that the ludicrous and destructive "diversity, equity and inclusion" era is over!  Thank G-d for that!  That's what got Los Angeles Karen Bass, the woman who, along with Gavin Newsome, has destroyed that once magnificent city.  That's what got a deputy fire chief like Kristine Larson, who said that if she had to carry a man out of a burning building, he had "got himself in the wrong place".  You could not make that up!

Larson, a DEI hire if ever there were one.

"Woke", that ludicrous reign of terror, is also gone.  What a dumb philosophy.  A completely false approach to life which had nothing to do with reality or competence.  In fact, it was an insult to everyone -- including those it rewarded.    

But, true to form, Trudeau got into Woke and DEI big time when he formed his first cabinet, filled with a lot of incompetent misfits, "because it's 2015".  Canadians paid for those messes too.   

So it's official.  Trump is the new president.  Now, let's wait and see what he does to Canada.  Hold onto your hats because we deserve whatever he throws at us!



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