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Friday, January 24, 2025

True to form

One of my newly-found brothers-in-law just confirmed my opinion of the woke, adolescent, American left mob.  An upper New York State university professor, he is obviously out-of-touch with reality, as are so many cocooned, well-paid profs.  

To test my theory, I sent him a "friend" request on facebook.  What did I get in return?  A harangue about how he had to refuse on principle because of my offensive posts.  I guess he meant the ones about the woke left and the bed-wetters, of which he appears to be a rabid, card-carrying member.

He actually called me out as someone on the cusp of racism, which is wholly untrue.  As you know, my position is that we are all part of one race:  The Human Race; everything else is cultural.

Ah well, if anyone doubts the wise words of Victor Davis Hanson (he's on YouTube), American classicist, military historian, conservative political commentator and professor at California State, Fresno, my brother-in-law's rejection of my positions confirms those of Prof. Hanson.

I know he will keep reading my "offensive" blogs, so I hope he enjoys this one.  I bet he even condones the disgraceful lecture Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Budde (see previous blog)  had to gall to aim at President Trump during the inauguration prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington.  

Instead of sticking to her job of leading prayers and praising God, this egomaniacal lunatic hammered Trump and called on him to throw law-and-order out the window by showering compassion on illegal migrants and supporting them -- many of them criminals.  

I wonder how many illegals and refugees Budde has invited to live in her $6 million mansion?  Have a look at "America's Untold Stories" with Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley.  Groubert nails her.

The un-American Bishop Budde.

No, Trump was voted in because he vowed to uphold the rule of law.  I was impressed by his restraint.



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