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Saturday, October 9, 2010

The millions of other people don't want to work

We always think of people who don't want to work as "welfare bums" and the like. But I just figured out there are millions of others who don't want to work: artists, actors, musicians, extras...and the like. Think about it. Whenever you turn on the TV or go to a movie or a concert, there they are -- the tons of people who don't want to work. We see them in movies, on the stage, on TV, in specials..........there are bags of them. Anyone who wants to be an entertainer simply does not want to work. Now, think about it again. And for that, the rest of us reward them handsomely in the millions. The economics are that you and I slave for a paltry (or reasonable, middle-class) wage and give money in our spare time, in an effort to be distracted from our humdrum lives, to those who don't want to work. I am no economist, but I think the math works here.

Love the show 'Steven Seagal, Lawman'. Apparently Steve has been working as a deputy sheriff in Jefferson County, Louisiana, for the past 20 years as a cop. Now he has a reality show and it's fabulous. Here's Steve, now fat and lethargic like the rest of us, but still a hero to everyone. I love the guy. We see Steve in the car with his partner, sporting a bullet-proof vest (unlike in his movies, where he wards off bullets with a mere piercing glance), chasing bad guys. The riot is that when they catch the drug-dealer-murderer-rapist-burglar-drunk-druggie-dealer, the guy stops in mid-arrest and says, "Man, Steven Seagal! Are you really Steven Seagal?!?! I love you, man, you're my hero!" "Were you expecting someone else," says the coolest of the cool, Steve. And the guy rolls over and submits. It is fantastic!

The other show I love is 'Dog, The Bounty Hunter'. More about that later.

Let's also talk about the BBC show 'Come Dine With Me' -- in which five strangers prepare meals for each other in a competition to win $1,000 pounds. It's almost as good as 'Wife Swap' -- more about that later too.

I also have to talk about a photographic show I attended. Stupid. And the Commonwealth Games -- breathtaking.

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